

Down to 1/2 to 1 cig a day. What's weird is that I don't even like the taste or smell anymore of cigs, but I force myself to smoke one. Why is that?

My tongue still turns numb from vapping - especially from heavy vapping. Still better than stinky cigs. What's up with that?

My sense of smell and taste are getting better everyday. I have noticed that since I'm not "smoking" that my family's sense of taste and smell has improved as well. There's hardly any leftovers from dinner. Everything tastes good to them. I never realized how much my smoking affected them.

Ordered 2 more passthroughs for my 901. I've noticed that I'm spending way too much time hooked into my computer and vapping. It's borderline addiction. It's all I want to do. Figured with a USB wall adapter and passthrough, I will force myself to be in the kitchen/dining room and not be a recluse.

Still refining my vapping. As my sense of smell and taste improves, I'm going to need a higher nic content during the morning and day that a cig provided. I find myself chain vapping and am thinking I'm not getting enough nic. Also need a stronger throat hit as well. (Maybe this will help to get me away from the computer and reduce my apathy for anything else. It seems that's all I want to do is vape.)

At night, I find if I cut back to 20-18mg about 2 hours before bed, I'm not as wired or jittery and am actually tired.
Gonna see what I can come up with either today or 'morrow.

I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be down to 1 cig a day let alone even thinking I could be smoke free.

What a journey I am on.


That numbness or tingling, as I'm sure you know, is the nicotine. You especially get it after eating or drinking something that stays in your mouth, causing more of the nicotine to absorb into your mouth rather than being inhaled. Drink more water, and use some mouthwash a few times a day (especially after you eat something) and you shouldn't get as much of this tingling in your mouth.

As far as the still smoking 1 analog, I'm the same way. Been an addiction for so long that I have a hard time denying myself one a day, even though I don't really enjoy it. Only been vaping a few weeks, so I think it's just a matter of time before I get past that, as you probably will too.

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