The First couple of days

Hello to all who may read. I would like to apologize before hand for my boring blog! I am new to blogging so it may take a few tries to figure everything out when it comes to updating and so on- Heck I never even kept a diary as a kid like most girls do! I say never put anything on paper that may be incriminating :p!

Any-who, this is just an update on how I'm doing and mainly keeping a record for myself, but you are all welcome to read and comment!

If you are all wondering what I am using it is a 510 model with 26mg juice. I was a 1 pack/day avg smoker for 19yrs. I smoked full flavor predominantly, but would take anything I could get!

OK- to begin with, I started vaping the evening of Dec. 12, 2010 (around 5p est to be exact). That first night wasn't to awful bad, it was the next morning that was the killer! I craved analogs like crazy and wound up vaping almost constantly through the first part of the day. I guess it doesn't help having tobacco and tubes sitting on my dining room table calling to me! Unfortunately I cant get rid of it since my hubby is still on analogs. I think he may switch as soon as we can afford a 2nd kit. Eventually, I noticed I was vaping less and less often throughout the day, but still quite a bit compared to smoking analogs. I kept at it and made it to my 24hr milestone without scratching someone's eyes out or pulling out hair! Yes, no one got yelled at, injured, or killed during my first 24hr period! Had that been cold turkey w/o an ecig someone would have died! LOL

So, moving on, that brings us up to the present. It has now been about 42hrs since my last analog. I'm not to worse for wear. This morning wasn't as bad as yesterday with the cravings, but it was still there and remains. In fact, right now I keep arguing with myself, "go get a smoke- 1 wont hurt!" "No, cant do it, must stick to this and resist!" That is pretty much what is going on in my head as we speak (or well read and/or type :)).

It is a struggle to not go stuff an analog and light up, but one I must keep doing. I will tell anyone, that although it is different for different people, it isn't easy to make the switch. However, having the ecig makes it a lot better! Some of my problem, I think, is that I don't really care for the juice flavors I chose to start off with. I chose a Marlboro Red and a Cloves flavors to start. Big Mistake! Should have went with something a little more fruity and noticeable, then maybe it would not have been so bad. So, for those of you who are thinking of giving vaping a try, I suggest trying some fruity or coffee flavors. I get this from comments on my posts and reading other posts. But if you must have the tobacco, like myself, grab an extra that is along the lines of one of those flavors I just mentioned.

Now- I don't want that last paragraph to discourage anyone from switching to vaping! You may have an easier time than what I am having right now. You will never know for sure until you make the leap! Luckily you will have lots and lots of support from the members on this forum, so don't get discouraged! YOU CAN DO IT!

Well, that is all I have to report for now, I will probably report back later this evening and do a quick update. So, for now, Farewell and Happy Vaping! :banana:
Yes- you will see that dancing banana often in my posts, comments, and blog- I absolutely get a kick out of him! :laugh:


hi demoness,
and many kudos to you!
i think your blog is uplifting + encouraging!!
im new at this as well ?? ,blogging,forums,vaping etc...

been almost 4 weeks now,from 2pk. a day full/flavor deathsticks!! for over 30yrs!
no real cravings but what a learning curve!!
ecf is great for all kinds of support, so take those invitations if you must!!

anyway good luck, keep up the good fight,we'll yap again!
happy holidays

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