my personal history with vaping

the first time i saw an e cig was in my friend's dorm room. we had just met like an hour or so earlier and we were headed to play some forza. he offers me a blu. the next time i saw an ecig, it was an ego with a standard clearo tank. and that was the extent of it, until about december 2013. my girlfriend decides to get one for me to help me stop smoking cigarettes, or at least to make my smoking better smelling, haha. it had been about a year since i had heard of ecigs at that point.

she got me a smoktech winder kit, iclear 30s, mt3 and t3s. i was definitely happy with this. it was a grab and go set up, no fiddling (except with the 30s, and that's still a pain in my ..., haha) and it was what i needed.

and then i joined this forum. i picked up a vamo v5, brass nemesis, igo-w, and patriot, all clones from our dearest slowtech. wire and wick followed. i picked up a russian 91 specifically for use with the nem so i could use it on the go. an igo w3 was an impulse buy, but authentic. (my favorite rda so far). now i've got a kraken clone on order... hopefully this will be the end of my G.A.S.

happy vaping!


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