Pill-Poppers' Special

If your medical condition includes chronic pain, or any other element that requires you to take medications with label warnings about operating machinery, or especially ones that, depending on where you live, require you to get a new prescription every month, drop it off and pick them up in person, you know what I'm about to say next.

We the Sedated are not exactly 100% on the ball 100% of the time. Personally, I spend most of my life about 37 degrees to the left of outer space.

Things like processing simple conversation can feel like doing long division, and as with long division, I'm more likely than not to come up with the wrong answer.

Mr-lol-: "I think I pushed the wrong button. Isn't this last week's episode of "Jersey Shore?"

Me: "Oh, I charged your mp3 player last night. It's in the fridge."
And now, here you are, rolling your eyes at some random person on the internet bleating about the importance of being aware of signs and symptoms that include things like feeling woozy.

This is uncharted territory for me, and I have no idea how either you or I are supposed to go about accomplishing that.

How the hell are we supposed to know if what we feel is our regular wooziness, something nicotine-related, or if, in the process of adjusting to using a new device, we just accidentally hyper-ventilated?

I have no idea. If and when I figure this out, you'll be the first to know, but for now, I got nothing.


Can't help you with that. Lucky for me, I was born woozy. I didn't notice that by myself, because being woozy and all, others had to tell me. Took me a lot of time to learn to live with this so called handicap, but now I am very happy. Chronic wooziness has given me a nice, relaxed, philosophical outlook on life. And I get to laugh a lot.
Happy Days!
So good to know I am not alone 37 degrees to the left of outer space!

"How the hell are we supposed to know if what we feel is our regular wooziness, something nicotine-related, or if, in the process of adjusting to using a new device, we just accidentally hyper-ventilated?"

Or is it one of my prescriptions that has warnings that has symptoms listed that one of the symptoms is what I thought I was taking the drug for in the first place.

Or one of my chronic illnesses flaring cause of something new/old going on with my system.

Yup, edited 4 times to get these few thoughts down.

Keep on truckin on~
Yes, and all we who are "37 degrees to the left of outer space" (I might be at 42 degrees by now but really, who is counting?) can do is to keep popping the pills, hope against hope that our varius Shaman don't accidentally forget the 5 prescriptions we are already taking and give us another one that completely negates the others...or, causes a horrid total system strike due to the multiplicity of chemicals flowing through our brains that really should NEVER be taken together.

All I really hope for is to live long enough to see when the scientists finally figure out how to tap the human brain and get to the healing chemical processes that we all ALREADY HAVE, that are all confused by all the "chemicals" they have us all on now. I believe there is so much untapped power in the human brain, besides just the "thinking" aspect of it. It is truly an amazing organ, and so very little understood. Too bad we didn't all come with a users manual with a trouble shooting section on the power of the brain! (and please someone tell me why would we have cannabinoid receptors in our brains, IF they are illegal and we are not supposed to use them to help us?) I think big Pharmacy is behind all the legal mumble-jumble...but I apologize, as that's a discussion for another time and place.

And just exactly what are all these pills doing to our pre-existing "receptors" in our brains anyway? Can't be anything really good, in the long run. Overall, it's not my bouts of wooziness that concerns me so much, I'm pretty happy with those times...it's my bouts of lucidity that really bothers me the most. :)
lol, you are lucky. I have always been at least 137 degrees to the left of outer space!!

That's on a good day.

Normal days, I am nowhere near anything which can be remotely calculated by anything within this or surrounding galaxies, especially if I am denied my nic-fix!!!

Let's just all hang loose and enjoy our lives!! I love you lol.
What a gal !...I love this lady.

Just reading her words makes me feel like i've refound something precious. Regardless of what it is she is saying.

This is how she rights when she's 37 degrees to the left. Sheeeesh..that blows my mind somewhat.
Trouble with me is ....i can't get enough of it. I have developed the appetite of a lion for her words, her thoughts, her opinions, her comments,....etc ...etc.
I can relate...I've been known to forget whole conversations, minutes after they've occurred. Scary when it happens, but fun to laugh about later...maybe. But then there are other things, silly things that I'll remember waaay longer than anyone has a right to ;)
Narcotics suck. There's got to be a better way.

Just discovered your first thread today and haven't even made it half way through yet. Great read, and thank you :) When I first found the forum after my Google search, I had to bookmark it and come back later...it was just too foreign and too much. I could almost literally feel your pain (between the chuckles of course) reading through the thread as the helpful well meaners threw the lingo at you. Glad it all worked out for us both, we're still here right?

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