King Diamond V2 vs. Bloog

Recieved my new King Diamond v2 batts this past Saturday. Spent the past few days checking the voltages, and running the usual battery of tests so to speak.... :) One of them was to compare them to the bloog batt again, and try out smokeless image's new volt carto on them. I used the batt named Emperor for this one, he's a gold with red led shorty. Just a note to add, I have not tried the standard and xl sized bloogs, but can honestly say that with new V2's the draw is excellent on each size. The XL really amazed me, with version one they were a little stiff at times, the new V2's they are as close to perfection as anyone could ask for. Really remind me of the draw on the original shorty KD's. Use a Wow carto at 2.2ohm and a 2.6ohm MF carto. Used Nuport wow 24mg juice in all cartos.

MF vs KD V2

Ease of Draw- My previous review was a push on these. This time around I have to give the edge to the KD v2's. None of the previous batts compare imho.

Switch- This one is still a push. Both switches are amazing.

Vapor Production- This one yeilded similar results as the previous test. The vapor production on the MF batt was serverly hampered though compared to that of the KD v2 when using the wow carto. And just as before, burned juice was the only reward given when using the MF carto on the KD2.

Vapor Warmth- Again similar results. The vapor was much warmer on the KD2 due to the higher voltage (4.2v). This statistic alone is the biggest deciding factor on which batt you'll prefer.

Battery life- On the KD2 shorties averages getting 127 minutes hours of continous vaping with a wow carto. The MF gets between 162-166 minutes using their respective carto. Bloog still has this advantage on this one.

Those are the measurables that can attriubute to the batts themselves. The rest fall into the carto and juice realm. Personal preference is the KD2. The gap in performance is slightly larger now, but still a close race... It still mainly comes down to the warmth of vapor and battery life, though as stated the draw is improved on the KD2's.

Smokeless image Volt cartomizer on V4L and MF

The Volt carto is another horizontal coil offering. At first glance it resembles that of Bloog's MF very closely. That is until you check the ohm's. I tested all five cartos, they come in between 2.9-3.2ohm. They hold 1.2ml just like their counterpart.

Performed very closely to that of the MF. The vapor warmth was a little less, as was th.

On KD2
This is where you'll notice the difference. The higher the ohm, the better it did with the KD2's. The 3.2 did very well until I started chain vaping. That's when it started burning juice just like all previous horizontal coil cartos. I believe it has to do with the design itself, the heating element only touches the juice, not the polyfill. While this prevents burning the filler, there's no place to transfer large amount of heat except to the liquid itself. I'm not sure if it would do better with juice designed for higher voltage because I currently don't own any.

On the PT from V4L
After the first draw, burned juice. Can not recommend these at all for use with pt's rated for 5v/2a....

On Manual batts from V4L
These did much better than the KD2's, but with the voltage being at 4.2v at start, same issues in regards to chain vaping until the batt's voltage drops to around 3.8.

They are an improvement to the MF cartos imo, but still should be used only on regulated batts for heavy vapors.

Hope someone finds this helpful. :)


I just wanted to thank you for not only your great blog posts, but also for all the wonderful help you give our vaping community in all of your posts! :) You save me a LOT of money in trial and error! :)
this is off topic but since when black metal influenced e-cigs? emperor is kvlt and king diamond is no slouch either.:evil:

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