Journey to an RDA - Part 1 - Electrical theory - Defining terms

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This guide is intended for folks who are new to vaping and want to dive into the deep end. It has been brought up many times on the ECF that people who are inexperienced are trying to dive into cloud chasing without knowing the basics. Unfortunately, I dont think this can be avoided, people will do as people do, the only way to ensure somebody's safety is to educate, rather than rant. With this in mind I have devised a series of blog posts with the intention of providing the reader with the knowledge they require to get into RDAs and cloud chasing.

In the first post of this guide I will be going through the terms used when describing electrical theory. This part of the guide is not required for going into sub ohm vaping, but it is well recommended that you understand them. The greater your understanding of electrical theory, the safer you will be when building sub ohm.

Disclaimer: This is meant as a guide to help those who are determined to get into the world of sub ohm vaping. You do so at your own risk. While I will go over as many important details as I can in this guide there can always be unforeseen events that can cause problems. NO BUILD IS FAIL PROOF. I accept no responsibility for any damage done to your devices, or yourself as a result of following this guide.

Also, I will to an extent I will oversimplify some concepts. To avoid the vehemence of fellow physicists, I will simply state now that this guide is meant for novices to electrical concepts. This means that some things I say here are not completely true, though I will endeavor to keep things as close to the absolute truth as possible. If I was to try to give a completely true account of this theory, it would involve degree level knowledge of quantum mechanics.

1.0 Defining and Explaining Terms
1.1 Coulomb
1.2 Voltage
1.3 Amperage
1.4 Resistance

1.0 Defining and Explaining Terms
For the purposes of this guide we will view electricity as a flow of electrons through a wire. While this is not entirely accurate, it is unnecessary to view it as anything other to explain these concepts.

1.1 Coulomb (C)
When describing electrical concepts such as voltage and amperage, we are describing attributes of the particular flow of electrons in the coil. Electrons are very small and very numerous, if we tried to talk about everything in terms of exact numbers of electrons, the numbers would get huge and thus unintelligible very quickly. Thus the coulomb, it is a constant, a set number of electrons. To be exact, 1 coulomb is equal to 6.241 x 1018 electrons.

1.2 Voltage – Volts (V)
Voltage, measured in volts, is a description of the amount of energy one coulomb of electrons can transfer. It comes in many forms, sometimes called potential difference, sometimes described as electromotive force, for our purposes we will simply refer to it as voltage.

The more voltage a packet of electrons contains, the more oomph it has, the more energy it can deliver, the more of a zap you would get if subjected to it.

1.3 Amperage – Amps (I)
Amperage (aka current), measured in amps, is a description of the number of coulombs of electrons pass through a point in one second.

Therefore, the more amps a device is outputting, the more electrons it is putting out per second. This is why many batteries have amp ratings, some can only put out so many electrons per second, depending on their chemistry.

1.4 Resistance – Ohms (R)
Resistance is a strange concept. The fire hose is a common, and very useful way to understand it, I won’t break with tradition.

Imagine a fire hose and garden hose. Water flows through the hoses just as electrons ‘flow’ through a wire. The thinner the hose, the harder it is for water to flow through the hose. The thicker the hose, the easier it is for water to flow. The hose is a resistor to water flow, just as a wire is a resistor to electron flow.

There are quite a few factors that influence the resistance of a wire:

  1. Thickness – This is well described by the fire hose example. The thinner the wire, the less room there is for electrons to manoeuvre. The thicker the wire, the more room, thus, with a thicker wire more electrons can flow at the same time.
  2. Length – The longer a wire is, the more resistance the electrons will encounter along their path. This is why most resistance wires are rated with a resistance per inch value.
  3. Material – Different wires types are made out of different materials. Different materials have different chemical compositions and as a result, the atoms are arranged differently. This different arrangement makes some wires harder for electrons to pass through them, while in others it makes it easier.
  4. Temperature – The more the atoms in a material vibrate, the harder it is for electrons to pass through the material. As a result of this the higher the temperature of a coil, the higher the resistance. Due to the very rapid transfer of heat from coil to juice however, the temperature of coils remain more or less constant, and thus, temperature is not so great of a factor. It is for this reason however, that it is important when dry burning a coil to pulse the battery rather than supply a continuous current.


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