Note To Self: It Takes Forever To Drill A Hole With a Titanium Drill Bit

So I got an Igo-W in the mail a couple days ago, and like everyone else, felt the airhole was WAY too small.

Took a 1/16 drill bit to drill it out and it took pretty much forever (I actually took a break at about the end of it for a couple hours because my hands were getting pretty sore just pressing the damned button and the battery was getting low on the drill).

I know there's better types of drill bits for drilling out holes on tanks, but that was what we had in the house that was actually intended for drilling metal.

But now it vapes like a champ, so... ^___^

Now the question is... how the hell am I going to put another hole in it when I start using dual coils in it?

I have no tools to add another hole so... yeah, we'll see.

Perhaps when I go see my parents next month I could take my Igo with me and see if they have anything they think I could use to put a second hole in it (my mother, being the crafty person she is probably has something, and if not, she might have a diamond coated drill bit, and I know she actually has a vise so... (yeah, I know, I know, bad safety, I didn't use a vise... but I figured that at most I'd just end up with a little bit of a scratch on the inside of the tank, there's no way the drill bit was going to go into my hand through that thick of metal --- at least I wore safety goggles, amiright?)).

I wonder how damned psyched my father's going to be to see me vaping. He tried to convince me to try the medical nicotine inhalers many years ago (at that time, I wasn't interested in such a thing).

But yeah.

Took me about 40+ minutes with a titanium drill bit to get the hole drilled out.

I looked up online how people were doing it, I don't think I did anything wrong (and the drill bit does not look any worse for ware).

Glad that's done though. ^_^


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