Diacetyl, Acetyl Propionyl, and Acetoin in Flavorings with data

There are more than 2,000 substances used in flavoring manufacturing. The FDA regulates flavorings to ensure they are safe when eaten. Many flavorings have been in longstanding use and are classified by the FDA as "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS) to eat. Thus far, the FDA does not require testing for other routes of exposure, such as inhalation.

Some flavoring manufacturers are using alternative substances for diacetyl in formulating flavorings. These compounds are acetoin and acetyl propionyl. Like diacetyl, these are 'GRAS' substances that are approved for use in food. Their chemical structures are very similar to diacetyl and have been found to be equally as harmful for inhalation.

Companies are not required to report if their flavorings contain less than 1% of diacetyl or diacetyl substitutes (https://www.dir.ca.gov/title8/5197.html).

Two companies (FA and TFA) have shown that in quantities with less than 0.5%, 1000s of ppbs have been found, yet NIOSH recommends the exposure limit (REL) for vapor inhalation up to 8-31 ppb.

CDC - NIOSH flavorings exposure
OSHA- Diacetyl and Diacetyl Substitutes
FDA New Authority on E-cigarettes

Department of CA Diacetyl Report of Use
Diacetyl Standard Becomes Official - Cal-OSHA

FlavourArt Clearstream

TPA Spec Sheet and Components 513-86-0
TPA Spec Sheet and Components 600-14-6

IJ - Impact of Flavor Variability

VP LIVE - interview

Flavor and Manufactures Association Updated List April 28, 2014
FEMA flavor - Safety/Assesment/Regulatory Flavors (E-Cigarettes)
Perfumer/Flavorist Fema

Special thanks to we2rcool =)


The way I see it is we still inhale these flavourings in food as we suck or chew. Am I wrong? Are these flavourings not in lollipops or sour candies , cough candies such as Vicks or Halls etc?
It would be easier to see a list of the safe products so we could buy only those instead of looking at the list we shouldn't be using.
Satiated;bt11919 said:
It would be easier to see a list of the safe products so we could buy only those instead of looking at the list we shouldn't be using.

I agree, but the list is constantly changing. However, there are threads in the diy section that keep up to date information. FlavourArt and The Flavour Apprentice are the only companies I know of who test for the most minute ingredients.
Im not sure I understand. As far as Im aware FA did remove Diacetyl but the Clearstream Project was not related. Also, FA, as far as I know, never tested for or removed AP or Acetion. So how are people choosing which flavors to vape from FA? They list "vaping flavors" but those are not AP or Acetion free??

The only one I know of is TFA who lists all 3 plus Butyric Acid.

I love FA, so if I missed something please do direct me to info that I may have missed over the past few years.
Zelphie;bt12188 said:
Im not sure I understand. As far as Im aware FA did remove Diacetyl but the Clearstream Project was not related. Also, FA, as far as I know, never tested for or removed AP or Acetion. So how are people choosing which flavors to vape from FA? They list "vaping flavors" but those are not AP or Acetion free??

The only one I know of is TFA who lists all 3 plus Butyric Acid.

I love FA, so if I missed something please do direct me to info that I may have missed over the past few years.

Sorry, I've been away for quite awhile. If you go to the bottom of their site, they have a scroll tab that discusses it. They took out Diacetyl and AP. They have never used Acetoin.

The latest toxicology testing on Acetoin reveals that it's not toxic by inhalation like Diacetyl and Acetylpropionyl. Chemically it's the diketones that are associates with damage to the respiratory tract, and Acetoin is not a diketone.
some FA flavors contain as much as .114% acetoin but searching the net I find conflicting claims about this chemicals safety or save exposure levels. I have been unable to find any peer review studies of this chemical in which it was not in combination with diacetyl.can anyone cite such a study. I like the FA vanilla cream straight or as a mixer which contains .033% acetoin but vape other flavors during the day as well that contain no acetoin. I am not a SUB OHMer and if the online calculator is accurate than my daily exposure is at or less than 1ppb. witch one report claims is a safe exposure level but provides no research to support. I have only been vaping for 3 1/2 month after smoking for 45 years and the only health effects that I'VE noticed have been positive. but I read these warnings on this site and wonder if they are legitimate or just "chicken little" stories.it should be considered that the tobacco I smoked for 45 years contains at least 100 times as much of these "dangerous" chemicals as the cream flavor e-juice I now use

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