4 days down, a lifetime to go

It has now been 4+ days since I have smoked an actual cigarette. I have really enjoyed having the banner at the bottom of my posts, seeing how many cigarettes I havent smoked has really helped me stay away from smoking.

What has really kept me away from smoking has been my ego and all of the wonderful juices I have been vaping. Dare I forget to mention this wonderful community here at ECF which has helped me stay strong and helped me become more knowledgeable about every aspect of vaping.

As I had stated in my previous blog entry, I have been vaping for almost a month but had not fully committed to quitting analogs until 4.5 days ago. I am not sure if I am completely done yet but I really want to see how far I can take this.

One post that I had read this evening did stick to me though, a poster had asked the question that if all of you PV's broke down would you buy a pack of smokes? At this point I am pretty sure I would however I dont think I have made it far enough to be sure yet. Hopefully as time passes and as I begin Ice Hockey and the gym again I will be sure to never smoke another cigarette.

I just got 4 new 510 attys and about 14 new juices from freedomsmokeusa and strictlyejuice. I have only had one Dekang juice and about 5 americanejuice juices before today and so far I have only really enjoyed mixing AEJ's blackberry champagne and AEJ cinnamon. That has been an awesome and reliable all day vape that I have been loving so far.

I have barely touched all of my new liquids but I am not sure if this shipment is going to result in any solid all day vapes like my blackberry cinny mix has worked out so far.

Some of the new flavor are deifnately tasty but I just dont see them being anything but short term novelty juices for the time being.

We shall see.

When the week goes by and I get more time with all of the liquids, ill post a review of everything.

If anybody is actually reading this but myself. If anybody is I hope you enjoy. I am doing this for myself to jot my thoughts down and to use it as a motivational device to aid my quitting and transition from smoker to non-smoker or vaper. Whatever it is I am right now.

Whatever that might be I can at least feel proud knowing that I am doing something good for myself.

Time for bed.


Hey keep at it. Reading about your progress is helping me with mine. Just take your time, you're going down the same road the rest of us have.

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