
Ladies and gentlemen! I am now taking part in Big Blog&Socialnetworking, just as bad as Big Pharma or Big tobacco and even Big Brother

Big Myspace, Big Facebook and Big Twitter are all out to get me!

MicroBlogging Web2.0 OMGz the future! Lets make a video blog maybe make a micro blog on Twitter! What ever will they think of next? Nanoblogging

Or lets go look at awesome pics of penstyles or ermm classic tape recorders from the 1960s but how will I ever be famous on Youtube without a video of me hugging a panda and talking about college life without floppy hair and screaming teens around me?

I just cannot blog, I am a machine of knowledge (yeah right) 8-o and peace now if you will excuse me I am off to play with my favourite little tape recorder :shock:


I know, I am a genius eh 8-o maybe one day I will be famous, maybe it will be for the wrong reasons tho hehehehe!
Blogs and Twitters and Forums and mailing Lists and RSS feeds and social networking with strangers and chat rooms and bulletin boards and mobile phones and blackberries and bluetooth and the f*** are we supposed to keep up with it all?! I'll swap my original 'walkman', a battery powered mini reel to reel weighing 5lbs for a chip implant that will enable me just to think my way through this maze of bollox in a nanosecond!!!
2 channels, black & white and we were happy!!!
Uncle Letzin.

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