Vaping and phlegm

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
So, I decided to stop playing with vaping and just take a day to seriously vape. That means that I was not going to wake an have an analog. I was not going to use vaping to get through just the tough times when not smoking was going to hurt. I was going to spend the day only vaping and using it like it was my normal routine. That day was Monday. Instead of going through 1ML of juice on Monday. I used between 3ML - 4ML.

Tuesday morning I woke up and couldn't breath. I had huge amounts of phlegm I was coughing up. I was choking on it and could barely breath. The amount of phlegm I was expelling was scary. I spent the first hour of the day choking it up. The rest of the day was spent coughing but nothing was as bad as the morning. I am still coughing phlegm up but, not like that morning.

Now, before someone says that it was my lungs clearing itself due to not smoking, I have quit smoking before. This was not my lungs clearing. This was something irritating my lungs.

So, my question is, could it be a reaction to one of the flavors I vaped? Could it be that it was a VG/PG mix (all of them were) and I am reacting to one of them? What is the best way to determine what caused my reaction?

Thanks everyone.



Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Aug 22, 2009
David, it isnt your lungs clearing.. lol

Depends on what your juice base is and flavorings and how much you are vaping, IMO..

I notice that all VG juices cause me to have phlegm. When I use mostly PG it hardly exists.

Even mixtures of VG and PG cause me to have phlegm.

Some people don't experience these symptoms it seems hence all the difference theories..

I DIY mostly because I can control what is in it and how much pg or vg to add..

Like Kellogg said would work to isolate the cause..

Good luck!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2010
The Internet
This just started happening to me yesterday. Extremely thick. Mine was coming from my sinuses though. (Draining down last night.) I tend to puff vapor out through my nose where I didn't when I was smoking, and it kind of irritates my nose. I vaped a bit more than normal yesterday and tried some strawberry flavor too. (Real strawberry taste, not candy-ish. Kind of acidic taste too.) It is also that time of year, so I'm assuming that mine is due to those things. (I've been vaping for about a month.)

I agree with trying out pg/vg variants, but I have read a lot about flavors too, so don't forget to keep that in mind.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2010
The Internet
I am new to vaping too. I have heard that some issues only occur when you are new to vaping and then they do away. I wonder if this is one of those. It is a little scary though. Not really something you want to go through.

Let me know what helps you out.

Will do. Same with you.

BTW, I feel a lot better today, but I can still feel the trickle in the back of my throat, similar to when I get sinus irritation in the cold weather. I usually run a lot of water in my nose when I shower and it gets me back quick. We'll see in about 3 days. Until then, I'm going to avoid the strawberry just to make sure. If it clears up, I'll try some again.
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