Tanks for nuttin. Leaks and Flooding eGo 510 disappointment. Help?

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So, after using dual coil mega carts for years, I finally decided to get a tank.

My carts used to last 7 days but lately they have been burning out within 2-4 days! This gets expensive.
It's probably my juice, I vape VG only (alergic to PG) and I mix my own.
Not sure what the shelf life of NIC and VG base is, but I bought 240ml of nic and 480ml of VG base from GoodProphets and it lasted exactly one year.
I think maybe the stuff expired and that might have been causing the early burn-out of the carts.

Anyway, I decided to get a tank because
A) the smaller dual-coil carts are cheaper, and
B) I can see how much liquid is in there.

I ordered some new Nic and VG base, and a tank and some replacement carts from MadVapes.
Excellent juice. The lime flavor is also excellent.
The tank/cart I ordered:
eGo 510 Dual Coil Tank Cartomizer, 2.5ml
eGo 2.5 ml Tank Replacement Cartomizer 1.5 ohm Dual Coil

I mixed up a batch of liquid and filled the tank about 1/3 of the way. The VG mix is super thick and it didn't seem to be getting into the cart, so I thinned it out a bit with a little vodka. about 5% - this gave it a much better flow.

I watched the video, made sure I had a nice tight seal, and started vaping, getting great draw and lots of vapor.

but I noticed the level of liquid dropping real real fast, and realized it was leaking out from the base of the cart, covering my battery in juice. I checked all the seals and connections, and refilled the tank about 75% of the way full.

I did not get any juice in the cart, and I cleaned off the battery connection and the bottom of the cart before re-attaching.

But this time, I was getting totally flooded. Tons of liquid sputtering up into my mouth from every draw, and once again, liquid leaking out everywhere.


So... this is not what I was hoping for. I figured tanks have been out long enough these problems would be solved by now.

Am I doing something wrong or do all tanks have these kinds of problems with flooding and leaking everywhere?
I am using the dual-coil carts without the tank now and just dripping, but I really want a system that I can just fill once a day or a couple times a day and not have to drip constantly.

Any recommendations?
Factory or home punched carto?
If you take off the driptip, is the filler bonedry?
Name of tank?
Hope you stick with it, Wes, just have to work out a technique for yourself and you're on your way. Tanks are Great!

Filler was flooded, liquid coming up over the filler in cart. Factory punched 2 holes.

This is the tank: eGo 510 Dual Coil Tank Cartomizer, 2.5ml



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
So, after using dual coil mega carts for years, I finally decided to get a tank.

My carts used to last 7 days but lately they have been burning out within 2-4 days! This gets expensive.
Any recommendations?

OK. Here's the deal. The carto tank just extends the boundary of the carto (AKA makes it hold more). So if the carto was burning out before, it will burn out in the tank (probably)...unless it was getting dry before and isn't now. Could be a quality diff between the carto types too, who knows.

Anyway, the carto tanks, ALL carto tanks, increase the chances of leaking since they just wrap around the carto. You obviously didn't have a tight seal around the carto.

So....Get a replaceable head tank, ditch the carto. Or just use the carto like you did before and thin the juice.

I admit to a bias though...I hate cartos. It shows. If I were you (and I'm not) I'd get a rebuildable tank. If, for some reason, you insist on dual coil stuff....check the type of tank/RBA to ensure that you can wrap a dual coil on it. And wrap it yourself. Get a multi-meter too. Have fun. :)
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