Yet another 3D printed Reo Grand button.

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Full Member
Jul 4, 2013
The button I got along with my Grand is great, but it is hard to turn with gloves or wet hands.

There is a very low end 3D printer at work for recreational use. For my first project I designed, coded, sliced and printed a button for the Grand. It took all of 25 minutes, and I like the result. If anyone is interested I can post the OpenSCAD code or send you the .stl file.

Here is a pic:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
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Apr 29, 2013
Gray, TN, USA
The button I got along with my Grand is great, but it is hard to turn with gloves or wet hands.

There is a very low end 3D printer at work for recreational use. For my first project I designed, coded, sliced and printed a button for the Grand. It took all of 25 minutes, and I like the result. If anyone is interested I can post the OpenSCAD code or send you the .stl file.

Here is a pic:

That is really cool. If it would not be too much problem, please PM me the file.


Full Member
Jul 4, 2013
I am having issues with the STL file, so I am just going to paste the OpenSCAD code here. OpenSCAD is a free lightweight piece of software. You can copy-paste this code, go to design->render to see a nice render, then design->export as STL. The .stl file you can send to your favorite slicer or upload to shapeways or other online 3d printing shops. Remember to render before exporting every time you make a change.

It is fun to play with the values, I liked the 7 notched button, a coworker liked a 5 notched design better.

A note of caution:
The printer I use is an entry level one, about $300. According to my good calipers, the radius of the hole should be 3.1mm to fit my button, but this printer does nor make perfect circles. I printed a bunch of 1mm tall rings at different radius for testing, and 3.7mm radius gave me a perfect fit.

If you are going to use this code, run a few tests. I am waiting for a chance to use a $3,000 printer that should be more precise.

Crash Moses, I plan to print a couple more on Monday, I'll send you one for the cost of postage. No warranties that it will fit your particular button. In mine I used a thin slice of the silicon hose that comes with Reo Grand bottles as a shim to adjust the height of the button. My original delrin button from reosmo uses one, so I guess this is not cheating.

diameter = 15.6;
height = 6;
v_chamfer = 2.25;
h_chamfer = 1.2;
notch_count = 7;
notch_radius = 4;
notch_offset = 2.8;
// Based on tests, 3D printer sucks at perfect circles.
// With a perfect printer this should be 3.12
hole_r = 3.7;
// Change the depth of the hole based on your measurement.
// Using a slice of thick walled silicone hose as shim like the original REO button.
hole_d = 3.7;

module mainBody(radius, height, v_cham, h_cham) {
	union() {
		cylinder(r = radius, h = height - v_cham);
		translate([0,0,height - v_cham])
			cylinder(r1 = radius, r2 = radius - h_cham, h = v_cham);

module notches(count, radius, offset, h_cham, height) {
	for(i = [0 : count - 1]) {
		rotate(i * 360 / count, [0,0,1])
			translate([offset+notch_offset, 0, -1])
			cylinder(r = radius, h = height * 1.5);

module allOfIt(diameter, height, v_cham, h_cham, notch_num, notch_radius, hole_r, hole_d) {
	radius = diameter / 2;	
	difference() {
		mainBody(radius, height, v_cham, h_cham, hole_r, hole_d);
		cylinder(r=hole_r, h=hole_d);
		notches(notch_num, notch_radius, radius, h_cham, height);

allOfIt(diameter, height, v_chamfer, h_chamfer, notch_count, notch_radius, hole_r, hole_d);
Last edited:


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2012
All this talk of button covers. Personally, I like the little nubbin it comes with. No covers for me. BUT this cool 3D printing thing got me in the mind to play button cover. I drilled out this part from a cheap combination lock to fit snugly on the button. If I were to use it permanently, I would put a teensy drop of superglue in the joint. If anyone likes it (I do not presume so. . . but, .. if . .. ), its yours for the asking. It is very comfortable in feel, and is knurled/recessed at the red paint lines.



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 8, 2013
At the shore...
All this talk of button covers. Personally, I like the little nubbin it comes with. No covers for me. BUT this cool 3D printing thing got me in the mind to play button cover. I drilled out this part from a cheap combination lock to fit snugly on the button. If I were to use it permanently, I would put a teensy drop of superglue in the joint. If anyone likes it (I do not presume so. . . but, .. if . .. ), its yours for the asking. It is very comfortable in feel, and is knurled/recessed at the red paint lines.

You are so creative! Very cute. :)


Full Member
Jul 4, 2013

I just uploaded the model to shapeways here:

You can order it in anything from white plastic for $2.70 to high polish Sterling Silver for $70. Stainless and gold plated brass also available.

Keep in mind, you may need to file or shim the center hole to fit your particular button.

And just for you I made this other one that may only be printed in gold or silver, and must be taken to a jeweler to get some diamonds mounted:

Crash Moses

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 30, 2012
Lansing, Michigan
All this talk of button covers. Personally, I like the little nubbin it comes with. No covers for me. BUT this cool 3D printing thing got me in the mind to play button cover. I drilled out this part from a cheap combination lock to fit snugly on the button. If I were to use it permanently, I would put a teensy drop of superglue in the joint. If anyone likes it (I do not presume so. . . but, .. if . .. ), its yours for the asking. It is very comfortable in feel, and is knurled/recessed at the red paint lines.

Curses! Now you have me wondering what else laying around the house might work.

Let's see...bottle cap? cork?...nope...(wanders off into the basement muttering...)

Crash Moses

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 30, 2012
Lansing, Michigan
I am having issues with the STL file, so I am just going to paste the OpenSCAD code here. OpenSCAD is a free lightweight piece of software. You can copy-paste this code, go to design->render to see a nice render, then design->export as STL. The .stl file you can send to your favorite slicer or upload to shapeways or other online 3d printing shops. Remember to render before exporting every time you make a change.

It is fun to play with the values, I liked the 7 notched button, a coworker liked a 5 notched design better.

A note of caution:
The printer I use is an entry level one, about $300. According to my good calipers, the radius of the hole should be 3.1mm to fit my button, but this printer does nor make perfect circles. I printed a bunch of 1mm tall rings at different radius for testing, and 3.7mm radius gave me a perfect fit.

If you are going to use this code, run a few tests. I am waiting for a chance to use a $3,000 printer that should be more precise.

Crash Moses, I plan to print a couple more on Monday, I'll send you one for the cost of postage. No warranties that it will fit your particular button. In mine I used a thin slice of the silicon hose that comes with Reo Grand bottles as a shim to adjust the height of the button. My original delrin button from reosmo uses one, so I guess this is not cheating.

That's extremely generous of you, Salamastre.:thumbs:

Let me know what the postage is and I'll PayPal it to you.:)


Living sarcasm
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 12, 2012
All this talk of button covers. Personally, I like the little nubbin it comes with. No covers for me. BUT this cool 3D printing thing got me in the mind to play button cover. I drilled out this part from a cheap combination lock to fit snugly on the button. If I were to use it permanently, I would put a teensy drop of superglue in the joint. If anyone likes it (I do not presume so. . . but, .. if . .. ), its yours for the asking. It is very comfortable in feel, and is knurled/recessed at the red paint lines.

Well after the damn Smurf drip tip yesterday, HRH likes that too today. I really need to get a screen only i can see!

Her words "oh wow - that is really cool - love that" - which is invariably followed by "Trunky.....".
Only the lag between the two changes, nothing else.

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