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  1. Hammer-Vaile

    The Lady is gonna KILL me

    Since my husband and I both vape, I have to buy doubles of everything. Good thing is he doesn't care what I spend, as long as there is money for it. Considering what I am saving by not smoking, I could buy 2 vamos a week, easily. If anyone comments on how much my devices cost, that is always...
  2. Hammer-Vaile

    New to E-Cigs

    Agreed that ego is the way to go. I smoked 2 1/2 pks day for over 25 years, and haven't smoked in over 6 months. I actually used the ego C's with the tanks you get in some kits. Since I like to change flavors often, this worked perfectly for me. I ordered mine from Cignot, and sample liquids...
  3. Hammer-Vaile

    Does anyone ever plan to quit vaping?

    I am analog free for over 6 months now, and have cut my nicotine level from 24 to 6mg. The funny thing to me is I can envision a no nicotine vape; however, I have no plans at all to quit vaping. I enjoy the taste, shopping for the latest and greatest atty, APV, case, tip, etc. I do realize that...
  4. Hammer-Vaile

    how can I convert smokers (what flavor to try first, at what mg nicotine?)

    If a smoker asks me, I will let them try and give them any information they want. My family? Well, I do try a little harder. I really don't care to "convert" anyone, sounds way to much like religion to me.
  5. Hammer-Vaile

    vaping around other people

    Everyone in my family has been very supportive, but this could be because we have family members with COPD from smoking. I vape everywhere I go, and no one has objected. If they did, I would respect their wishes. I don't make a big deal out of it and don't try to draw attention to it. I don't...
  6. Hammer-Vaile

    Smokin Crow

    I just wanted to say thanks to for their excellent customer service, fast shipping and quality products. I placed an order with them and they happened to be out of stock on the color of case I ordered. Most places I have dealt with would have just put another color in there and...
  7. Hammer-Vaile

    Anything that will blow the Vamo out of the water?(at a decent price)

    I haven't tried the Vamo; however, I do own a Tesla and love it. These look very different, so some people like it, some hate it. It is VV/VW as well.
  8. Hammer-Vaile

    Lesson learned

    Yep, then I forget which flavor is in which color. Sigh, maybe I should put notes on my phone...
  9. Hammer-Vaile

    how can I convert smokers (what flavor to try first, at what mg nicotine?)

    Hello, Quietvibes it would be very difficult to choose a liquid that most people would like. My son makes our liquids,so we have the luxury of trying many different combos. When I first tried vaping, he let me try some DK Tobacco he had purchased and I was hooked! My tastes have changed greatly...
  10. Hammer-Vaile

    Older Folks and Vaping

    I like your math Moishesmom! I am 29 with several years of experience! I smoked (love that past tense!) for 25 years and was up to 2 1/2 packs per day. I have not had an analog for over 6 months. I had tried everything everyone else has tried to quit with little or no success. I really had no...
  11. Hammer-Vaile

    New member - Tesla APV, battery wraps and Smokin Crow

    I am probably posting this in the incorrect venue; however, as a newbie I am limited in my options. I chose the Tesla APV since it is possible to change the wattage or voltage. I also chose it because i like the fact that I can change the battery and the look whenever I chose. It seems that...
  12. Hammer-Vaile

    First Mechanical Mod...!

    Your setup looks very nice, and I am envious of you ability to make the Aga-T2 genesis attys! I just bought my first APV (Tesla) after 6 months of vaping, and I love it. Mayhap I will venture into the world of rebuildables soon...
  13. Hammer-Vaile

    Student Marketing Project Survey on E-Cigs

    I tried quitting several years ago when the NJoy first came out. As you can imagine, they were not as advanced as they are now. There was no vapor, so all I got was the cool looking glowing tip and a very upset tummy from too much nicotine. Worst stop smoking experience ever. It did nothing to...
  14. Hammer-Vaile

    Tubetank...Clearomizer vs Cartomizer, thoughts?

    Result! The Tesla does vape better on a lower voltage with a 1.8 ohm carto. Thank you.
  15. Hammer-Vaile

    Tubetank...Clearomizer vs Cartomizer, thoughts?

    I am not really sure (really a newbie to the tech stuff), it is a variable wattage APV like the Vamo. It does variable voltage as well. Both are 1.8 ohm cartomizers. When vaping at 7.5 watts, it roughly translates to 3.6 to 3.7 volts.
  16. Hammer-Vaile

    Tubetank...Clearomizer vs Cartomizer, thoughts?

    Newbie here. I have both, and found that I like the taste better with the cartomizer; however, I don't get as much vapor. I am using a Tesla, and vaping about 7.5 watts on both tanks. How do I get more vapor with the carto and what in the world am I doing wrong?