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  1. flavapor


    The marlboro or the hunter blend? I want a good throat hit and tobacco flavor. Thanks
  2. flavapor

    510 manual battery

    I have several bought at the same time, and one of them charges, the led lite comes on, but it doesnt produce power. Can I do anything about that?
  3. flavapor

    who has the best cappucino

    I like to vape 6 or 12mg, but I like a throat hit. Looking for a cappucino that tastes good and has a throat hit. What is your favorite?
  4. flavapor

    started craving analogs after 6 months smoke free

    I have done great for about 6 months. Not one analog. After about 5 months I had weened down to 0 and 6 mg because the 11 and 18mg were keeping me up nights and giving me the craps, all of the sudden I am craving cigs again, have had an occasional cigar but not gonna have a cig. I just...
  5. flavapor

    best juice holder/keychain under 3 bucks

    I bought it at walmart near the chapstick, for 2.99 with a chapstick, it goes on your keychain and holds a regular size chapstick, just like a beer Koozie, well what do you know, it holds a 6ml bottle just perfect. It attaches to your current keychain or whatever you want to clip it to (zipper...
  6. flavapor

    Anyone have insomnia from vaping

    I have been having problems sleeping for the past few months, no matter how little sleep I have had I am not tired. When I finally do fall asleep 3-5 hours later I have a hard time getting up, but once up I go thru the same process the next night. I have been on 4-5 hours of sleep a night for...
  7. flavapor

    Who has the best RY4 flavor AND does anyone have a recipe for homemade RY4

    I want to try to make my own being that we may be looking at product availablility problems in the future, I dont care so much about nic as I do flavor.
  8. flavapor

    supplier in or near chicago

    Is there a supplier in or near chicago that I can get some juice from quick?
  9. flavapor

    901 PCC case?

    Do they have a pcc for the 901, and who sells them if they exist? Thanks in advance
  10. flavapor

    510 passthrough

    I bought a cheap o depot one from china, and it doesnt work right. It never gets hot enough, so I get a half hit, than no hit, than half hit, etc.. I am not looking for a raped ape, just a normal passthrough that I can maybe hook up to a portable power source for the car. Any suggestions, or...