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  1. S

    E-Cigarettes Change Hundreds of Immune Genes?

    This has been discussed on this forum before, but I was wondering if their is any new information on this subject? According to the articles below E-Cigarettes Change/suppress Immune Genes, supposedly higher than real cigarettes. Although the article states that cinnamon-flavored e-liquids cause...
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    Electronic Cigarettes free radicals 140 times less?

    This is been discussed before in here, but I notice this article went into a lot of detail of what was actually found in the test. This article says that electronic cigarette free radical production are 140 times less than real cigarettes. :thumbs: They tested: A Cig-a-like, a Ego, and...
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    Study Done on Nicotine absorbtion from Electronic Cigarettes

    Sorry, for the mistyped title. "absorption" I don't know if this has been discussed already, but here it is anyways. Nicotine absorption from electronic cigarette use: comparison between first and new-generation devices. Dr. Farsalinos Study: Nicotine absorption from electronic cigarette use...
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    E-liquid no need to Shake?

    Hey, I was just wondering if it's really necessary to shake e-liquid before using? I've notice some companies have "shake well" printed on the bottle, while others don't. I even seen found a few topics online about how shaking e-liquid can cause oxygenating to occur by producing small...
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    Nicquid E-liquid no flavor

    I recently bought a bottle of NicQuid Rebel 2.4% E-liquid. I don't know if it's a bad batch or something. But, it has no taste what so ever, it's like vaping Vaseline. The E-liquid in the bottle doesn't even have a smell. It's like they used pure propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin...
  6. S

    Is good?

    Hey, I was thinking about ordering some DIY flavors. looks good, they have a huge selection of flavors. I had some concerns though. I notice some old threads on here about credit card problems and customers service.:glare: I know all businesses have problems now and then, but...
  7. S

    DIY flavor question

    Hello everyone, I have some Red oak Johnson creek domestic e-liquid. It works good, but I find the flavor a little bland. I was thinking about adding some DIY Latakia Tobacco Flavor by Flavor West to spruce it up a little. I just wanted to know if it's safe to mix flavors like that. I mean...