The battery rant

So… I am one of many technicians in the show-business industry and as professionals, we apply the strictest safety standards in order to keep people happy and…. alive and well.

We rig tons of overhead structures, from lighting truss to gigantic complicated moving structures. Over the performers, the staff, the public and even, sometimes, we suspend performers in the air over the staff and the public. It is of capital importance for everybody’s sake to do so as safely as humanly possible.

Now! The hardware that we use to anchor, attach, counter balance, lift, deviate and so forth have what we call a working load limit (WLL) and a breaking load limit.

The working load limit of a shackle for instant is a weight limit that is assigned by the manufacturer of the said shackle and we are legally obligated to work within this limit. The breaking load limit is, just that: the breaking point of the item. Never are we allowed to come close to it.

When we suspend a performer in the air, we are talking about a human life here so we are extra careful. We divide the WLL by 10! If the manufacturer tells us that this shackle can easily take a 1000 pound load… We will not use it on someone that weighs more than 100 pounds. Way….. Way lower than the breaking point of the shackle….

So, when I see people push the batteries that they place at 1 inch from their faces way past the amp limit (that can be understood as a working load limit) it makes the tech in me go nuts, we are basically suspended to our battery when we vape. Why push it to the limit of your battery, do yourself a favor, be extra careful and stay under its amp limit.

If you don’t think that a 1 ohm coil is a good enough vape on your rba + Mech: learn about wicking and airflow. Some people can put the performances of your ridiculous 0.2 ohm quad coil to shame using a properly wicking and properly air fed 1.8 ohm coil… on a mech………. with the same battery that you are using.


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