Can you be an Analog Virgin but Vaping Stud?

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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010

3. Could impressionable types (please dont take offense if this is you) turn to vaping for the cool factor or buzz much the same way we might have with analogs.

4. I think vaping is cost prohibitive for teens etc, but could that take mommy and daddy's PV and sit around with their friends passing it around.

5. Would non-vapers be curious to experiment - I mean I think most people can figure out what happens when someone pulls out the mall kiosk cig-look-alike, but what if someone pulls out a Darwin. Would people be inclined to try vaping for the sake of vaping?


Just curious... How old are you?

Jimi D.

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Oct 26, 2010
Florida Keys
I was the foolish one to start smoking in the first place.. For what!!! To be cool? To be an adult? Whatever it was, it's like this. It's gonna happen with some people. My Stepson picked up cigarettes because of his choice. He now vapes because I told him, this should better for you, instead of cigarettes. I'd rather see vapers than smokers any day..


New Member
Jan 12, 2012
I am a non smoker who started vaping because I liked the smell of the assortment of flavors. My girlfriend vapes and introduced me to the electronic cigarette. I tried it a couple times and loved the flavors. Since it is basically harmless I had no reason not try it. I vape non-nic juice and I have been for three months now. Its cheap, easy and very enjoyable when I am chillin around watching a good show or reading.


Full Member
Jan 9, 2012
Ontario - Canada
Just curious... How old are you?

Been an analog user for maybe 15 years - started in University.

I guess the questions were an extension of finding a correlate b/w smoking and vaping, and any perceptions that the 2 are intertwined - or moreso, if vaping will eventually develop a following of its own - for the enjoyment of vaping (nicotine or otherwise).


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Dec 20, 2011
I know it's possible - but most of the posts I've read seem to come from ex-analog types that got into vaping for smoking cessation first.

I guess my question is: Are there people that have never had analogs or very few, that now vape?

Forgive me if this has been discussed - still new to the site and couldn't find the thread.

Edit 1/14/12

Great question that I very often wondered but was never willing to start a thread about because in my mind it seems somewhat ridiculous but that's what makes it such a great question I believe...curious about further responses....


Full Member
Jan 9, 2012
Ontario - Canada
Its been so long i can't even remember what my motivation was for starting on analogs. However, it stands to reason that maybe if I was 20 years younger - vaping may have been an option? I think it was the buzz I got. But I'm sure there are many reasons someone might get into vaping...

for an initial nic buzz
for the flavor
maybe for a social aspect (my gf vapes, my best friend vapes - and i do zero nic to belong)

I'm trying to wrap my head around why people say Vaping is fantastic, look at my gear, lets get together socially and have a Vape meet - however you shouldnt vape if your not addicted to nic, or trying to get off analogs. (this isn't an absolute statement by rather a generalization).

I've seen a few people reply above that they were not primarily moved to vaping from a motivation to get off analogs.

And i would assume that these folks are still in the minority.


Full Member
Dec 17, 2011
I am a non smoker who started vaping because I liked the smell of the assortment of flavors. My girlfriend vapes and introduced me to the electronic cigarette. I tried it a couple times and loved the flavors. Since it is basically harmless I had no reason not try it. I vape non-nic juice and I have been for three months now. Its cheap, easy and very enjoyable when I am chillin around watching a good show or reading.

I'm exactly like that, 0mg juice, it's just a fun and enjoyable harmless time!


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Feb 16, 2012
Savannah, GA
I'm one of those people that nicotine just isn't that addictive for. I've smoked for about 10 years, never tried to quit, but I never smoked more than 3-5 cigs a day at the most, and that was during college. Once I got out of college I cut back to maybe 3-5 a week. Some weeks none. Not b/c I tried to, it just happened, I just never cared.

For me I just love smoking from time to time and I've done cigars, cigarettes, pipes, hand rolled cigs, etc. I just like the action of it, inhaling something into your lungs, tasting the flavor of whatever you're smoking, etc.

I also love trying new hobbies and trying different/new gear in said hobbies. THAT is what's addicting to me. My other hobby is shooting sports. You think PVs are expensive, try switching guns, magazines, ammo, holsters etc for a competition.

So with the above in mind vaping seemed like a cool hobby. So far I'm enjoying it. I stick to low nic juices, 1.1mg or less, sometimes 0. I imagine at some point I'm going to get tired of fiddling with maintaining the gear and that will probably be that.

One positive I am noticing from vaping is that I've cut down on how much I drink. Not that I drink a lot, but I'll have 3-4 beers a few nights a week after a stressful work day. Now I find that I'll come home and vape on those days and maybe have 1 beer.


Vaping Master
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May 21, 2009
I am a non smoker who started vaping because I liked the smell of the assortment of flavors. My girlfriend vapes and introduced me to the electronic cigarette. I tried it a couple times and loved the flavors. Since it is basically harmless I had no reason not try it. I vape non-nic juice and I have been for three months now. Its cheap, easy and very enjoyable when I am chillin around watching a good show or reading.
There have been no studies on the effect of vaping on the body. We all here are willing and happy lab rats BECAUSE we wanted to QUIT SMOKING IMO. Although it seems pretty obvious that smoking is way, way more harmful (also stinky and disgusting) than vaping, no one knows what effects vaping has on our lungs etc. Then there is all the stuff in the ejuices besides the nicotine. For that reason I will never ever recommend vaping to a non smoker. I even tell that to smokers whom I have helped to switch. No one knows....
Just my 2 cents.


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Feb 3, 2012
La Verne, CA
I recently met a vaper who started, not because she was a smoker, but because she knew someone who was a smoker and those potential flavors just lured her in. She sticks with zero-nic juices, and does it for the enjoyment value of vaping.

I'll be honest: if you get your juices from a reputable supplier, chances are that they're using food-grade flavorings, PG/VG (both of which are generally safe, although some people do at times have sensitivities to PG), and water. That's the majority of what's in the juices. Now, some of the weird crap I've seen come out of China has other stuff in it. Some suppliers also add oils to their juice, which may or may not be problematic depending on what the oil is (and also note, the reputable suppliers will tell you there's an essential oil of some kind in there).

Would I recommend it to non-nicotine-using friends? Heck yeah, and I already have. Aside from my desire to quit smoking, this has also curbed a lot of munchie-attacks, as I can just go vape something tasty instead of eating it. I have friends who are on low-carb diets or gluten-free diets who desperately miss certain things (chocolate, waffles immediately come to mind). I just reiterate to get zero-nic juices if and when they decide to do it, and most of them are fascinated by the concept of it all.

Eventually, I'll get down to zero-nic. But there's nothing preventing people at starting there. :)
I vape 0. Started smoking analogs when I was 16 and am now 21. I was able to cut down to 3-4 cigs a day the last couple of years of smoking. But that was because most of the time it was all I could handle. I could smoke more when I was drunk, mostly because my lungs were numbed out I think. I had gotten pleurisy I'm guessing from smoking when I was 18 but was still so addicted at the time that I just smoked through it. I still have slight pains here and there from it. For some people it never really goes away completely. But yeah, quitting nicotine wasn't too big a deal to me, but smoking in general is hard to quit for me. So I just started out on 0 nic which also gives you the most flavor! Or so I'm told.


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Sep 16, 2010
Washington DC
I've actually got a buddy that was pretty new to analogs, then switched to vaping. They do exist, just very rare. In their eyes I'm assuming it's just the latest fad. I think he's vaping for the wrong reasons, but that's just the choice he's made.

LOL, what are the 'right' reasons?

Seriously though, I don't think there is any rule that e-cigs are only for people getting off of analogs. I don't like to view them as a smoking cessation device, so in that regard, better a non smoker picks up vaping as a new habit vs smoking.


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Feb 26, 2012
My girlfriend never really had a analog... Wanted to try one once, didn't go over so well and I didn't want her smoking either.

Switched over to vaping a few months later and she took the PV from my stand and started vaping... Never could get her to stop, she now carries my spare Smokeless Image Volt sling PCC, one battery and 2 cartos with a pink drip tip.... lol.
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