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  1. Avapxia

    Cappuccino by Colinss

    Recently, mos ago, my favorite shop had some clearance sale on brands they no longer carry and tried the Cappuccino by Colinss (not Collins or Colins but colinss) and despite of disliking all other coffee related flavors I ever tried, even though I am a serious coffaholic in need of...
  2. Avapxia

    The Tesla Nano 60W TC (part 2)

    Since this thread on it locked I thought necessary to open a new one The Tesla Nano 60W TC My experience after about 3mos has been generally positive. It was a close call and a choice between the IJust Pico + Battery of the Nano. I think the looks and the solid feel sold me. I couldn't stand...
  3. Avapxia

    NATURA Italian juice Hexocell sells it here

    I recently tried some flavors of Natura and their green apple is the best mildest I've tried yet but the seal was cracked in one bottle that came in a box, not all stores have them in boxes. My mistake but first ever and I'll check from now on. Their Latacia flavor is very cigarette like on...
  4. Avapxia

    Travel and Vaping Vaping on a motorcycle TAKE 2

    Vaping on a motorcycle To continue from where this was left off, I have some thoughts that might lead to a solution. 1 Venting fogging problem, happens when it is cool and moist out, many good helmets (only full face helmets are any good) come with an anti-fog shield that separates the volume...
  5. Avapxia

    On the debate about tobacco flavor being cigarette like

    This thing with the topics expiring and always starting new ones on the same topic over and over again is vert annoying. Why isn't better to read 1 thread on 1 topic rather than 20 threads on 1 topic? On the issue of extracting tobacco flavor to simulate cigs the only thing that comes to mind...
  6. Avapxia

    Newbie Alert: My 2c on popping crackling sub-ohm tanks with BVC

    Since a newbie can't respond to some threads dealing with the problem such as Kanger Mini SubTank tech support, please? , I thought I might start one here and introduce myself as a newbie. My first ever attempt to quit smoking has been with an Eleaf Ijust 2 which comes with a 0.3ohm BVC from...