America set the date and we will march with you!

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Full Member
Feb 4, 2014
Malmo, Sweden
Full Steam a head, defence is not a winning strategy!

We Vapors represent all nations, all races and every religion known to man, yet we are suppressed. This makes us a international civil rights movement! The legal status is purely a political issue. When it's allowed to freely sell almost certain death uncontrolled in a multiple of variants on any shelf, it don't make any sense to prohibit and over regulate the only thing that can easily negate this mortal danger! Science can't guarantee anything as totally harmless, at most it can guess a potential hazard. As of today, the potential hazard of vaping seems to be extremely low to insignificant. On the other hand, we have both scientific and empirical proof that cigarettes are extremely dangerous, every second smoker is slain by them. Time is of the essence, every second delayed, means another life lost, a son, a daughter, a loved one, a friend, a parent or a grandparent! The scars of prematurely deaths always run deep, but even deeper as help is at hand but denied.

It's time we show us as the Movement, we are!
It's time that we demand our rights!
It's time that we show our number!

Spring is the time to march, this is the year, and simultaneously in every country is how! Now its time to plan! We don't have leaders, but neither does Anonymous, we have however prominent members with in our society, I urge them and all to discuss this and set a date. Globally we are most organised in North America, so America take the lead and we will follow. It may not seem fair but it's how the world is, when something happens in London, Paris or Rome it's a local or at most national news, but when it happens in the USA it is a world event. Let's use this, let American Vapors set the date and we synchronise with you in our own countries. Under what slogan and in what form, we will find, the important thing is the date. Then let every e-juice vendor and forum spread the news! It may seem strange and odd, that I a Swede, a European, asks the US to lead us, but this is the only way forward in the shortest time possible on the broadest front possible.

Let's all bond together in a Global Vape Day, this spring to demand our right to Vape!
Just say when, and we will be there!
Nicco Malmo, Sweden.
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