Bad anxiety when cutting out smoking, anyone els?

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Senior Member
Jun 29, 2015
Victoria,BC, Canada
YOu may want to try different combinations of nic levels.

I don't have panic, or anxiety, but closest i ever came to that was when I first started vaping and was told to use 18mg or 24mg and I was literally starting to HAVE anxiety attacks.

Once I dropped to 12mg I was fine.

For you it may be different. Best to keep a few different levels around and see what works for you? Maybe try vaping high nic in stresssful moments, see if it helps. If not try the opposite (what I did).

Or keep a few different ones around to experiment with.

Also, make SURE you are taking a magnesium supplement. And vitamin D. Magnesium improved my relaxation, as well as my sleep. So many people are magnesium deficient........and it causes a LOT of problems.

Soemtimees the simplest things are what work best. DO not use the magnesium oxide or citrate ( causes loose stools) and thse are the cheapo kinds and not as absorbable. I was AMAZED at how much better I felt when I started taking magnesium.
Good article here:
Understanding Different Types of Magnesium | Dr Nibber
Right on man cool! I had no idea. That's really good to know!


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2015
Victoria,BC, Canada
You might want to try WTA liquid. Lots of people here on ecf have reported that it helps with the anxiety. I add a little unflavored WTA to my vape sometimes, and it calms the cravings and anxiety better than regular nicotine e-juice.
What about just glycerin? I have a bottle of glycerin I got from Safeway. You think that would help?


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2015
Victoria,BC, Canada
What mg are you on now , sorry if it was mentioned .
I'm using 12mg normally but today I mixed a little 24mg with the 12. I bought a starter kit from the brand halo a while back and got a juice package of a bunch of little bottles of cocoa, tabacco and coffee type flavours that were 24mg. I found it too strong so I went to 7mg. Found that too weak lol so now I'm at 12mg


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 21, 2014
Northern NJ native , Coastal NC now.
What about just glycerin? I have a bottle of glycerin I got from Safeway. You think that would help?

VG , i don't think that will have any effect on cravings , many people like high VG over high PG but as far as nervousness , not a factor .

Batitude i believe has a great blog post on what you will go through right after quitting , don't know where it is though, someone will chime in.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 21, 2014
Northern NJ native , Coastal NC now.
I'm using 12mg normally but today I mixed a little 24mg with the 12. I bought a starter kit from the brand halo a while back and got a juice package of a bunch of little bottles of cocoa, tabacco and coffee type flavours that were 24mg. I found it too strong so I went to 7mg. Found that too weak lol so now I'm at 12mg

Oh i got you , yeah it is going to take some experimentation to nail down what works, sorry to say . It's not as bad as you think it will be though . I didn't realize you were vaping 24 mg , 18 sounds like a very good choice to start, many people say that is the general strength most analogs contain.

If you still have strong cravings i would bump it up to 18 mg from 12 , find a juice you really enjoy if the Halo is not working for you , if you don't like the juice it makes it much more difficult.


Super Member
Apr 11, 2015
Nova Scotia
I think everyone is quite different when it comes to why they smoked and how they quit. I never really intended to and I was a duel user in the beginning. I was a heavy smoker -well 30 to 40 smokes a day. I started out at 12 went to 18 and then after about six weeks I did not smoke any cigarettes at all.

I was a chain smoker when I could so I suppose I am a chain vaper:) but I currently vape 8 to 10 mg I am not purposely cutting down it is just that I bought a dripper and a subtank and can't tolerate more than 3mg or so in the dripper or tank. I did find it took a little while to learn to vape long and slow instead of quick fast drags. You will succeed I am sure of it, you just need to do it in the way that works for you. You know your body better than anybody else and oh yeah make sure you double your water intake Vaping is dehydrating and dehydration makes some folks feel icky - best of luck to you


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2015
Victoria,BC, Canada
Oh i got you , yeah it is going to take some experimentation to nail down what works, sorry to say . It's not as bad as you think it will be though . I didn't realize you were vaping 24 mg , 18 sounds like a very good choice to start, many people say that is the general strength most analogs contain.

If you still have strong cravings i would bump it up to 18 mg from 12 , find a juice you really enjoy if the Halo is not working for you , if you don't like the juice it makes it much more difficult.
Thanks a lot man! I will bump up to 18 and see how that goes. Sounds like a good middle spot for me :thumbs:
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Senior Member
Jun 29, 2015
Victoria,BC, Canada
I think everyone is quite different when it comes to why they smoked and how they quit. I never really intended to and I was a duel user in the beginning. I was a heavy smoker -well 30 to 40 smokes a day. I started out at 12 went to 18 and then after about six weeks I did not smoke any cigarettes at all.

I was a chain smoker when I could so I suppose I am a chain vaper:) but I currently vape 8 to 10 mg I am not purposely cutting down it is just that I bought a dripper and a subtank and can't tolerate more than 3mg or so in the dripper or tank. I did find it took a little while to learn to vape long and slow instead of quick fast drags. You will succeed I am sure of it, you just need to do it in the way that works for you. You know your body better than anybody else and oh yeah make sure you double your water intake Vaping is dehydrating and dehydration makes some folks feel icky - best of luck to you
Right on thanks!!


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2015
Victoria,BC, Canada
Oh i got you , yeah it is going to take some experimentation to nail down what works, sorry to say . It's not as bad as you think it will be though . I didn't realize you were vaping 24 mg , 18 sounds like a very good choice to start, many people say that is the general strength most analogs contain.

If you still have strong cravings i would bump it up to 18 mg from 12 , find a juice you really enjoy if the Halo is not working for you , if you don't like the juice it makes it much more difficult.
I actually just went to inspect the juices I got from halo and they say only 12mg on each bottle and for some reason I always thought they were 24 haha so that makes sense why it didn't feel any stronger when I mixed the two today. They were both 12 haha
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Jun 24, 2014
I've suffered panic attacks for the past 10 - 12 years or so. Some small and some full blown where I become pretty much debilitated until I can get them back under control. Mostly I just try to go to my happy place in my mind to try to calm myself down and hope the minor ones don't turn into the major events with coughing, gagging and eventually throwing up. I can't say that the lack of smoking ever triggered one as far as I can remember. But then again, it's in our minds and just the thought that something is different or a problem can trigger an attack for some folks. Funny thing is that when I was a smoker and was really nervous about whatever was going on, I would chain smoke for an hour or so, but now when that happens and I get extremely nervous I don't feel the need to even pick up my PV.

As far as my vaping routine.... I vape on the drive into the office in the morning, then don't touch it for the 9 hours that I'm here, then vape on the way home and then as I feel I need or want in the evening until bed.

I was a 31 year 1 to 4 pack a day smoker up until about a year and a half ago but even though I smoked that much, I never smoked while I was in the office as I knew how bad they would make you stink so I guess it simply got to be habit to not smoke when I'm in the office although when working from home I'd be a chain smoker all day long in front of the computer.

When I first quit smoking I found all cravings would go away with about 10 good tugs on my PV, It's now been long enough that the smell of other people smoking is disgusting to me and there really is no more cravings for smoking even on the occasions where I might not even vape at all for a day or two.

Vaping is almost as habit forming as smoking was for my partner. He buys new stuff a lot (vaping stuff) and I've noticed that just like when we were both smoking, first 5 minutes of getting up in the morning and he's puffing away on his PV. For me it's a good hour after getting up which is when I get into the truck to go to the office that I start vaping but used to immediately light up that first cig 5 minutes after getting up. But at least we don't stink anymore.

Only bit of advise I can really give you is to get the liquid that you really enjoy (probably 18mg is a good starting off point) because if you are not in love with the liquid you're vaping it's going to be substantially harder since you won't like the juice you won't want to vape and you'll probably want to smoke to take care of those cravings. The other thing is that you REALLY need to want to quit. I can't even remember how many bottles of liquid I bought that first week trying to find just one flavor that was good tasting to me. I finally settled on some juice that you can buy in gas stations or tobacco shop/vape shop which now I recognize as pretty rank stuff, but at the time it seemed quite pleasurable. I've still got many of the nearly full bottles of gross liquid that I bought that first week.

We tried it half heartedly the first time and we went back to smoking, but the next time we really REALLY wanted to quit as the stink had become so repulsive of old cigarettes on everything we owned from clothing to furniture and it wasn't difficult the second time. I started at 18mg which in a week or two was just too strong so I cut it with some VG which lowered the flavor a bit but also cut the nic level, then I stuck with 12mg for close to 14 or 15 months and now cut it down to only 6mg since I'm using a subtank now at 0.4Ohm.

I met a man at the local RiteAid store last night that was craving cigs hard, he was looking to see if they still sell cigs anymore (since CVS stores stopped selling tobacco) and we got talking about the alternative to smoking and I briefly told him my story and he told me his and how vaping really didn't work for him or his wife and that they tried but then his wife brought home another carton of cigarettes and they went back to smoking.... I told him that you have to 100% want to quit and he agreed and suggested that his wife nor he REALLY wanted to quit smoking just that they would like to quit. So if you REALLY want to quit then go for it and stick with it. It's much like detoxing from narcotic pain medications, it gets easier as the days go on.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2014
Maybe you need a change in attitude.. Instead of trying to quit smoking, start vaping...... If you are like many, or just me, after a little time the smoking part will go away. Almost by itself. When I started vaping. i went into it with the attitude to quit smoking if and only if vaping would work. After 6 months of dual use... The day came I noticed, it had been WEEKS since I last smoked.


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2015
Victoria,BC, Canada
I've suffered panic attacks for the past 10 - 12 years or so. Some small and some full blown where I become pretty much debilitated until I can get them back under control. Mostly I just try to go to my happy place in my mind to try to calm myself down and hope the minor ones don't turn into the major events with coughing, gagging and eventually throwing up. I can't say that the lack of smoking ever triggered one as far as I can remember. But then again, it's in our minds and just the thought that something is different or a problem can trigger an attack for some folks. Funny thing is that when I was a smoker and was really nervous about whatever was going on, I would chain smoke for an hour or so, but now when that happens and I get extremely nervous I don't feel the need to even pick up my PV.

As far as my vaping routine.... I vape on the drive into the office in the morning, then don't touch it for the 9 hours that I'm here, then vape on the way home and then as I feel I need or want in the evening until bed.

I was a 31 year 1 to 4 pack a day smoker up until about a year and a half ago but even though I smoked that much, I never smoked while I was in the office as I knew how bad they would make you stink so I guess it simply got to be habit to not smoke when I'm in the office although when working from home I'd be a chain smoker all day long in front of the computer.

When I first quit smoking I found all cravings would go away with about 10 good tugs on my PV, It's now been long enough that the smell of other people smoking is disgusting to me and there really is no more cravings for smoking even on the occasions where I might not even vape at all for a day or two.

Vaping is almost as habit forming as smoking was for my partner. He buys new stuff a lot (vaping stuff) and I've noticed that just like when we were both smoking, first 5 minutes of getting up in the morning and he's puffing away on his PV. For me it's a good hour after getting up which is when I get into the truck to go to the office that I start vaping but used to immediately light up that first cig 5 minutes after getting up. But at least we don't stink anymore.

Only bit of advise I can really give you is to get the liquid that you really enjoy (probably 18mg is a good starting off point) because if you are not in love with the liquid you're vaping it's going to be substantially harder since you won't like the juice you won't want to vape and you'll probably want to smoke to take care of those cravings. The other thing is that you REALLY need to want to quit. I can't even remember how many bottles of liquid I bought that first week trying to find just one flavor that was good tasting to me. I finally settled on some juice that you can buy in gas stations or tobacco shop/vape shop which now I recognize as pretty rank stuff, but at the time it seemed quite pleasurable. I've still got many of the nearly full bottles of gross liquid that I bought that first week.

We tried it half heartedly the first time and we went back to smoking, but the next time we really REALLY wanted to quit as the stink had become so repulsive of old cigarettes on everything we owned from clothing to furniture and it wasn't difficult the second time. I started at 18mg which in a week or two was just too strong so I cut it with some VG which lowered the flavor a bit but also cut the nic level, then I stuck with 12mg for close to 14 or 15 months and now cut it down to only 6mg since I'm using a subtank now at 0.4Ohm.

I met a man at the local RiteAid store last night that was craving cigs hard, he was looking to see if they still sell cigs anymore (since CVS stores stopped selling tobacco) and we got talking about the alternative to smoking and I briefly told him my story and he told me his and how vaping really didn't work for him or his wife and that they tried but then his wife brought home another carton of cigarettes and they went back to smoking.... I told him that you have to 100% want to quit and he agreed and suggested that his wife nor he REALLY wanted to quit smoking just that they would like to quit. So if you REALLY want to quit then go for it and stick with it. It's much like detoxing from narcotic pain medications, it gets easier as the days go on.
Right on! Thanks for sharing that! You been helpful


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 21, 2014
Northern NJ native , Coastal NC now.
I've suffered panic attacks for the past 10 - 12 years or so. Some small and some full blown where I become pretty much debilitated until I can get them back under control. Mostly I just try to go to my happy place in my mind to try to calm myself down and hope the minor ones don't turn into the major events with coughing, gagging and eventually throwing up. I can't say that the lack of smoking ever triggered one as far as I can remember. But then again, it's in our minds and just the thought that something is different or a problem can trigger an attack for some folks. Funny thing is that when I was a smoker and was really nervous about whatever was going on, I would chain smoke for an hour or so, but now when that happens and I get extremely nervous I don't feel the need to even pick up my PV.

As far as my vaping routine.... I vape on the drive into the office in the morning, then don't touch it for the 9 hours that I'm here, then vape on the way home and then as I feel I need or want in the evening until bed.

I was a 31 year 1 to 4 pack a day smoker up until about a year and a half ago but even though I smoked that much, I never smoked while I was in the office as I knew how bad they would make you stink so I guess it simply got to be habit to not smoke when I'm in the office although when working from home I'd be a chain smoker all day long in front of the computer.

When I first quit smoking I found all cravings would go away with about 10 good tugs on my PV, It's now been long enough that the smell of other people smoking is disgusting to me and there really is no more cravings for smoking even on the occasions where I might not even vape at all for a day or two.

Vaping is almost as habit forming as smoking was for my partner. He buys new stuff a lot (vaping stuff) and I've noticed that just like when we were both smoking, first 5 minutes of getting up in the morning and he's puffing away on his PV. For me it's a good hour after getting up which is when I get into the truck to go to the office that I start vaping but used to immediately light up that first cig 5 minutes after getting up. But at least we don't stink anymore.

Only bit of advise I can really give you is to get the liquid that you really enjoy (probably 18mg is a good starting off point) because if you are not in love with the liquid you're vaping it's going to be substantially harder since you won't like the juice you won't want to vape and you'll probably want to smoke to take care of those cravings. The other thing is that you REALLY need to want to quit. I can't even remember how many bottles of liquid I bought that first week trying to find just one flavor that was good tasting to me. I finally settled on some juice that you can buy in gas stations or tobacco shop/vape shop which now I recognize as pretty rank stuff, but at the time it seemed quite pleasurable. I've still got many of the nearly full bottles of gross liquid that I bought that first week.

We tried it half heartedly the first time and we went back to smoking, but the next time we really REALLY wanted to quit as the stink had become so repulsive of old cigarettes on everything we owned from clothing to furniture and it wasn't difficult the second time. I started at 18mg which in a week or two was just too strong so I cut it with some VG which lowered the flavor a bit but also cut the nic level, then I stuck with 12mg for close to 14 or 15 months and now cut it down to only 6mg since I'm using a subtank now at 0.4Ohm.

I met a man at the local RiteAid store last night that was craving cigs hard, he was looking to see if they still sell cigs anymore (since CVS stores stopped selling tobacco) and we got talking about the alternative to smoking and I briefly told him my story and he told me his and how vaping really didn't work for him or his wife and that they tried but then his wife brought home another carton of cigarettes and they went back to smoking.... I told him that you have to 100% want to quit and he agreed and suggested that his wife nor he REALLY wanted to quit smoking just that they would like to quit. So if you REALLY want to quit then go for it and stick with it. It's much like detoxing from narcotic pain medications, it gets easier as the days go on.

Yeah , that is a HUGE problem and most folks who have given vaping a shot and decided it didn't work only tried the crappy cigalikes so no wonder it didn't work , 90% of them are horrific.

It's too bad they just give up and don't explore whats really out there.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
growing up I had slight social anxiety. Got nervous around crowds and would get panic attacks, some small, some larger at random times. I feel okay during an average day but when I kick the cigarettes completely and switch to just vaping I get mini panic attacks pretty frequently and feel overly nervous around people and that's always lead me to jump back to smoking. Anyone els ever came across this problem?

Best thing is, don't even TRY to "quit smoking"... just play a game with yourself, to see how many times you can substitute vaping for smoking. The option for a smoke is always there, if you REALLY want it.... but if you're just switching, no biggie! You'll be amazed at how quickly vaping can simply take over and run the place. For me it was about a month.

Then, once you reach a point where you're just vaping, not smoking, DO NOT get rid of your cigarettes. Stash 'em in the freezer or something, so your addicted brain knows they're still there, just out of casual sight. As long as it remains, to your mind, a free choice, then anxiety will not set in -- you are CHOOSING to vape instead of smoke. No pressure. No stress. Just free choice.

But telling yourself "I'm going to QUIT SMOKING and vape instead".... your addicted brain quit listening after the QUIT SMOKING part, it was too busy having a meltdown.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 21, 2014
Northern NJ native , Coastal NC now.
Ya I guess so lol seems to be okay now. For some reason I added VG and it made me feel a lot better!

Tell me your kidding lol, VG made everything good again ? Well whatever works works so thats good . Surprised the Halo juices didn't have a good mix of VG and PG in them , by adding VG you dropped the nic %.
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