Did it take you more than one attempt to quit smoking?

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Full Member
Jun 2, 2013
Hull, UK
Hi everyone!

I'm working on a blog post for E-Cigarette Direct/the Ashtray Blog, aiming to give some advice to people who've tried vaping but didn't take to it, and I'm looking for a bit of input to pin down the most common reasons smokers struggle to switch.

I was wondering if some vapers here with more experience than me on this front would be able to offer some insight (personally I chain-vaped like a lunatic for the first few days and managed to quit first-time). I have a few specific questions, but if there's anything you want to add then obviously feel free!

Did it take you more than one attempt to switch? If so, what was it that made the difference and helped you finally make the transition?

Or if you still smoke and vape, what's the main thing holding you back from switching completely?

Do you know anyone else who struggled to switch or was a dual user at first but quit smoking on a subsequent attempt? What made the difference for them?

How important a factor is support (from other vapers or stop-smoking services) when you're trying to switch?

And lastly - what's your number one piece of advice for someone trying to switch?

Any input you could offer would be very much appreciated! :)



Full Member
Jun 2, 2013
Hull, UK
WTA was one of the things I considered mentioning in the article actually, but when I posted to Facebook and a couple of UK forums no-one actually mentioned it. Seems to make sense to me that if vaping didn't quite do it for you it might be the other alkaloids you're missing.

Staying away from smokers is a good call! I quit three years ago and I still have friends who try to give me a "real" cigarette. They don't realise how nasty smoking becomes when you get used to vaping
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Jan 24, 2014
Hi everyone!

I'm working on a blog post for E-Cigarette Direct/the Ashtray Blog, aiming to give some advice to people who've tried vaping but didn't take to it, and I'm looking for a bit of input to pin down the most common reasons smokers struggle to switch.

I was wondering if some vapers here with more experience than me on this front would be able to offer some insight (personally I chain-vaped like a lunatic for the first few days and managed to quit first-time). I have a few specific questions, but if there's anything you want to add then obviously feel free!

Did it take you more than one attempt to switch? If so, what was it that made the difference and helped you finally make the transition?

Or if you still smoke and vape, what's the main thing holding you back from switching completely?

Do you know anyone else who struggled to switch or was a dual user at first but quit smoking on a subsequent attempt? What made the difference for them?

How important a factor is support (from other vapers or stop-smoking services) when you're trying to switch?

And lastly - what's your number one piece of advice for someone trying to switch?

Any input you could offer would be very much appreciated! :)


Mine was an unexpected medical crisis -- appendicitis. It turned out well; I'd been smoke-free for 3 1/2 months so my lungs were clear, so I had laparoscopic surgery and went home the same day. Then I endured 4 days of ghastly sickness during which I couldn't eat, drink, or vape; 4 days without vaping made it taste just horrible to me, so even though I kept trying to vape, once I could, it tasted awful, and then massive cigarette cravings set in. So I smoked, and it took a month, just like the first time, to switch back over to vape only. When I finally did put the smokes back down, 10 days later the massive cravings came back, and the only way I could banish them was WTA, which saved me from a 2nd relapse. The WTA has made it just as easy, if not even easier, than the first time around was.

Number one piece of advice to those struggling is: don't stress over it, and DON'T STOP VAPING, no matter what. Find the flavor that you love, and keep at it! ETA: and if it comes down to a choice between a cigarette and WTA -- WTA IS CHEAPER! The price may look prohibitive, but it's cheaper than cigarettes, safer, and easier to wean down from and finally get free of.

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Oct 8, 2013
New York
The details of usage and what to do to get the best experience were very vague to me when I first started. Having a group like ECF to ask questions and share what works well was very helpful. Having a peer to talk to in person about vaping and vaping together was also helpful.

E-liquids and flavors were probably the biggest problem. I like the taste of my cigarettes, but finding a flavor I liked was difficult so I often would smoke. I ended up choosing unflavored as my preference of flavor.

Sometimes finding the right equipment is tough, but as I said in my first paragraph I was able to find what I liked through the community.
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Aug 7, 2014
South Carolina
Tried cold turkey....no luck. Bought a Blu kit...YUCK!!!!! Then the order came down that there will be no smoking in company vehicles. A friend suggested I go to something called a "vape shop" for an e-cig. Thought I needed the maximum nic level possible, so I hacked and wheezed and continued to buy cigarettes daily. I tried a friend's 12mg juice and I did not hack and wheeze. Several weeks later, I laid down the ashes and in about a week, it will be a year...and down to 3mg of nic.

And the smell of smoke is now hideous.


Vaping Master
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Mar 17, 2014
Windy City
1 year 9 months pollution free. Once I moved to vaping it was game over. I haven't had a desire to smoke since starting.

Prior to that I tried:
Chantix which is honestly some pretty scary stuff.

This is the longest I've gone without returning to ciggerettes and because of the tasty flavors I have also lost 39 lbs.

I was a 40 year smoker.


Full Member
Oct 17, 2012
United States
I have a 25 pack year history and was getting to the verge of developing serious health problems. I had quit once for 7 years, and again for 4 years and still went back to the nasty weed. I work in health care, and my heart broke for the endstage COPD patients. Believe me when I tell you that the slow, drawn out misery of these people makes lung cancer look like a blessing. Many literally died struggling to the end in my arms.

My last quit was in August of 2012. After 6 weeks of cold turkey I despaired. I knew I wouldn't make it. In sheer desperation, I turned to vaping. A nicotine free drug store ecig did not cut it for me. I turned to nicotine juices and V2. It was better, but still not what I needed. I found EFC, and learned about WTA. The first hit of WTA liquid from Aroma Ejuice and I knew I had found the answer. I have not looked back. Once, during my extensive travels, I was out of supplies for 4 days. I smoked one cigarette, a few puffs a day during that time and hated every minute of it. This just solidified my knowledge that without WTA and vaping, I would be dragged back to the poison, self-hatred and prison of cigarettes. I talk to everyone I can about vaping WTA. It is a hard sell. Of 20 contacts, perhaps 2 see the light and change their lives. One was my best friend. I will vape until I die, and am happy about it. Thank you ECF and Aroma. You have literally saved my life.


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Jul 26, 2014
Alberta, Canada
I never actually tried to quit smoking before it happened. My intention when I started vaping was to cut down on the stinkies, mostly for financial reasons. Against all expectations, I haven't touched a cigarette since the first time I picked up vape.

My sister started vaping about a week after I did, she was a dual user for a couple of months before fully converting. The last month or so it was just the wake up smoke that she couldn't kick. A good friend also switched, but continued to dual-use until he had smoked his remaining carton.

I definitely think that the more support you have the better. I'm not sure if my experience would have been the same if I hadn't found ECF before making that first purchase.

My advice? Do a little research and buy decent gear at the start, tossing money at cigalikes etc. is a recipe for failure.


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Dec 26, 2013
Sallisaw, Oklahoma USA
A 40+ year smoker, I wasn't looking to quit. I enjoyed smoking pipes when a young acquaintance introduced me to vaping flavored NET, a vanilla, caramel and crème flavored Burley tobacco. I enjoyed it so much I researched and bought -good- gear and never looked back, it's been over three years since I "lit up". The secret to success is starting out with -good- gear and having several flavors of juice that you really like, slam dunk.


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Feb 12, 2014
Ont. Canada
I also never intended to quit. I thought if I could get down to 10 smokes a day life would be wonderful. I smoked 42 years. First couple weeks I went from 40 smokes a day down to 5 a day. An "Ego-C Upgrade" I was using. Then a month at 3 per day. Bought a new MVP2 with a "Kanger Protank 3" and it donged on me that I forgot to smoke for 3 days. I did not want to start my smoke free count over so I quit. I have been smoke free for 2 1/2 years. I believe the long term smokers have an easier time making the switch. I also believe you need a good system and a juice you enjoy. A good juice tastes fresh and clean and you just lose the taste for tobacco when it starts tasting nasty. Yes I went through a couple days of haze when I make full time switch over but I had very little cravings. Hope this helps. CHEERS!


Full Member
Jun 2, 2013
Hull, UK
Thanks for the replies and the stories everyone! :) The quitting stories in particular are really heart-warming; they always make great reading!

And thanks very much for the link @DC2 ! It is old but as you said it's exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for!

Edit: I can't see the results to the poll without voting, though, and it's closed so I don't think I'm allowed - if you can see them, can you take a screenshot of the results for me, by any chance?
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Aug 22, 2015
I actually never intended on quitting. I got a cigalike because we were moving in with my mother-in-law and I couldn't smoke inside. It did it's job, but was still smoking (outside). Later I went to a vape shop and got a better setup (ego type) and found I was smoking even less. That's when I decided to try to quit. So I went online to look at some opinions and options. I ended up with an istick 20w and a nautilus mini. Worked great, but still smoking a little everyday. Turns out, my key (besides a satisfying setup) was to get away from tobacco flavored ejuice. So I started looking for tobacco with other flavors mixed in. Kept moving tobacco flavor out and other flavors in. One day I ran into Sweet Dreams, a strawberries and cream with no tobacco. And that was it. Kept finding other flavors and never looked back. Can't stand tobacco flavors anymore. With what is available now(for the time being), there should be something out there that would accommodate anyone who is willing to give it a try. By the way, I smoked from age 14 til I was 40. So it seems I didn't need candy and desert flavors to entice me to pick up a terrible habbit, but I did need them to stop. Sure would be nice to keep those flavors around for people who need that step to quit.


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Sep 28, 2015
I had been smoking for about 12 years or so. I moved from Ontario to Newfoundland and noticed that the smokes here were almost $3 more a pack, at least for the ones I liked, and also had 5 less smokes a pack. A couple buddies of mine started vaping. I hadn't given it much thought prior. But it was working well for them and I was sick of paying out $13.5 for a pack everyday not too mention all the hacking I did in the morning. I got an ego starter kit to give it a go and haven't looked back since. I'm 2 months or so smoke free and I don't think I'll ever pick back up smoking again. I've definitely had days where I've had crazy cravings but I just chain vaped until it passed. A few have mention that being around smokers was a bad idea but I found during the first 5 days to a week being around someone smoking helped. I think it was just getting a whiff of cigarettes helped get rid of my cravings. However now, especially in the morning or if I'm eating I can't stand the smell of cigarettes. I never realized how bad you smell after having a cigarette...... Lol. A good setup is also really important. And some buddies to vape it doesn't hurt
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Jul 30, 2014
New York City
Hi everyone!

I'm working on a blog post for E-Cigarette Direct/the Ashtray Blog, aiming to give some advice to people who've tried vaping but didn't take to it, and I'm looking for a bit of input to pin down the most common reasons smokers struggle to switch.

I was wondering if some vapers here with more experience than me on this front would be able to offer some insight (personally I chain-vaped like a lunatic for the first few days and managed to quit first-time). I have a few specific questions, but if there's anything you want to add then obviously feel free!

Did it take you more than one attempt to switch? If so, what was it that made the difference and helped you finally make the transition?

Or if you still smoke and vape, what's the main thing holding you back from switching completely?

Do you know anyone else who struggled to switch or was a dual user at first but quit smoking on a subsequent attempt? What made the difference for them?

How important a factor is support (from other vapers or stop-smoking services) when you're trying to switch?

And lastly - what's your number one piece of advice for someone trying to switch?

Any input you could offer would be very much appreciated! :)


it was pretty hard for me to quit cold turkey, tried it many times but no good lol

thank god vaping came around and improved leaps and bounds every few months, its gotten to a point where im flavor and cloud chasing and not even caring about if my juice contained any nicotine, a bad habit becoming a good habit, and lastly... now when i smell cigarettes i get turned off real easy, i also tried one a long time ago, almost 1 year ago, and i told myself "i was on this STUFF for 3 years?"

vaping saved me, true story.

but the conclusion is, anything but fresh air is bad for ur health IMHO, so vaping will have to go one day as well....
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Unregistered Supplier
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Jun 19, 2014
I have multiple failed quit attempts before I started vaping: cold turkey, cutting down, patch, gum, Nicotrol inhaler, Wellbutrin, Chantix.

It did take me 2 months of dual use before I quit smoking once I began vaping. I think subpar beginner equipment was the main reason.

I do have 2 friends I tried to help using vaping that failed. One quit trying after 2 days. The other tried for a few weeks, but also gave up. They both cited too much stress, not enough flavors sent by me (but neither would go to a vape shop to try any on their own), equipment was too big one day and too small another :confused: My guess is they don't really want to quit, but other family members are putting pressure on them to do it.
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