E-cig Help

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New Member
Jan 22, 2017
I smoked cigarettes since I was 19. I'm 52 now. I stopped smoking cigs at one point starting at the age of 44. I started using EonSmoke E-cigs at that time. I didn't have a cigarette for the next three years. It really helped with not wanting to smoke again. I was using the 18mg cartridges.
I stupidly started to smoke Newports again after that 3 years. Don't know why...I just did. I tried to go back to E-cigs again to get off the cigs like I did before. Now I can't smoke the E-cigs anymore for some reason. Every time I inhale a puff from the E-cig, I cough to where I can't handle another puff. No matter what level of mg's I tried I would still cough. But I don't cough from the Newports. If I use the juice with 0mgs, I don't have a problem inhaling.
I want to get back to using the E-cigs again. Does anyone know why all the sudden I can't handle the electronic cigs anymore? Is there anything I can do to get back to using them without the coughing interfering? 0mg juice really does nothing for me. They aren't strong enough to help me weave away for the Newports.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 22, 2015
No I am not using the same device. The E-cig I had started with now make me cough...so I switched to the pen with the tanks and even that makes me cough. I need to inhale. It helps me with staying off the cigarettes. What kind of juice can I now use to continue using the Hookah pens of the newer vaping devices?
We could also use a bit more information on your set-up/device. What coil, watts...could be several things.
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ECF Guru
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Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
I found it close to impossible to inhale my very first e-cigarette.

(cartomizer, 3-4 watts, 24mg, 80/20 PG).....

There is things we don't fully understand about the irritations of both tobacco smoke and nicotine vapor.
It could be the flavor. It could be the PG. It could be the power. It could even be the actual system of clearo/carto/tank etc.

All I want to say is don't give up. If you managed it once, I am sure you will manage it again.
If you have to retrain yourself and take baby steps with low progress, then that's what you'll need to do.

I can hear your frustration, but many of us went through this to even get started dual fueling let alone quit the smokes. Practice, relax, do what you can do. Build it up. Be strong. :)


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May 11, 2014
Welcome to ECF!

It would help to know the details of the system you are using. There are lots of pen types out there now. Some are more powerful than others.

It sounds like it's the nicotine in the vapor that's irritating your lungs. Your lungs are probably damaged from smoking for so long.

You could try a higher nic level, draw into your mouth and hold it for awhile then let it out through your nose.

Maybe using the nicotine patch or gum to get nicotine and vaping 0mg to get the hand to mouth and simulated "smoke". At least til your lungs heal which might take up to a month.


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2015
I need to inhale. It helps me with staying off the cigarettes.

I smoked 1 - 1 1/2 PAD for 42+ years before quitting with the help of vaping. When smoking, I mouth-to-lung inhaled. Doing that for so many years caused me to develop the beginning stages of COPD (emphysema in my case) about 8-10 years before I quit.

However, when I began vaping...someone told me nicotine in vapor IS readily absorbed in the cheek linings and mucuous membranes of the nose and sinus cavities. I was definitely somewhat skeptical about vaping that way being able to satisfy my nicotine cravings. But, I wanted to see if it really worked, since I didn't want to further aggravate the mild COPD by anything still going into my lungs.

Surprisingly to me...I don't inhale my vapor, yet I DO still get my "nic fix" with no problem at all! I just bring it into my mouth, hold it for a second or 2, then exhale through my mouth and/or nose. Works great, and I've never even wanted another cigarette since my last one. And guess what - My doctor has repeatedly said at each checkup in the last 3 years, that my lungs sound clearer than they have in many many years, and there's no further evidence of the mild COPD!

So I understand your skepticism about that method, too. But I'd suggest at least giving it a try. You might be surprised by the results. I know I was and still am!
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New Member
Jan 22, 2017
This is what I have and what I switched to after using the E-cig with the 18mg screw on cartidges. I figured it was them making me cough so I switched to this unit. Using 18mg flavored juice. Mine has four strings in the tank. As I said before, using this unit with 0mg juice, I get no coughing. Once I go up in mg's the coughing starts. I have not tried Sub Ohming yet. It is something I will look into and give a try. Have to find out which is best for me to start with first.


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Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2015
Looks like what you're using now is some version of an eGo type clearomizer. I never liked those because the coil is at the top and if the wicks don't feed enough eliquid up & fast enough...you get nasty vapor and poor hits. I much preferred a bottom coil clearomizer with dual coils (like the Innokin iClear 16D). I still have and use a bunch of them, but they aren't used by many people any more either. Most have gone to tanks with either replaceable factory coils, or to RBAs that require building your own coils and then wicking & installing them, or buying prewound coils that you wick & then install.

Until you can get the coughing under control, and/or figure out what's causing it, or try pulling the vapor only into your mouth then exhaling it...I definitely would not try sub-ohm vaping. Most people vape sub-ohm with around 3mg nic eliquid, definitely inhale it, and it also uses a bunch of eliquid pretty quickly.

IMO, I'd recommend figuring out the coughing cause first, and then go from there on deciding on another set-up to use. (Seems to be the nic level though to me, since you don't cough with 0mg at all. Might try working your way up to see where the coughing starts. Maybe try some 3mg...if no coughing, try some 6mg, etc..) I'm sure others will have many different ideas, too, like some have already posted above in their posts.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Looks like what you're using now is some version of an eGo type clearomizer. I never liked those because the coil is at the top and if the wicks don't feed enough eliquid up & fast enough...you get nasty vapor and poor hits.

Yes. 100%

Top coil silica wick clearos can give a very harsh vape very quickly.
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Oct 12, 2016
Hello Prahsper,

As I've been able to switch from cigarettes to vaping after 25 or more years of smoking (2 packs per day in the recent ones) I tried to convince my father to quit smoking.

He has had the same problem with coughing. We tried with a 80vg/20pg eliquid at 6mg mic and helped him a lot. Now that he is more comfortable but still craving nic so not completely off cigarettes he has moved to a 70vg/30pg with 10mg nic

The whole idea is to continue experimenting until he finds the ratio that suits him better.

There are lots of experienced vapers here and their advice is going to be better than mine. My suggestion is that you should get a MTL tank (not subhom) capable of managing high vg liquids. Maybe a Nautilus X or something similar

Good luck, I'm sure you will get it right and will succeed

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ECF Guru
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Dec 24, 2014
I smoked cigarettes since I was 19. I'm 52 now. I stopped smoking cigs at one point starting at the age of 44. I started using EonSmoke E-cigs at that time. I didn't have a cigarette for the next three years. It really helped with not wanting to smoke again. I was using the 18mg cartridges.
I stupidly started to smoke Newports again after that 3 years. Don't know why...I just did. I tried to go back to E-cigs again to get off the cigs like I did before. Now I can't smoke the E-cigs anymore for some reason. Every time I inhale a puff from the E-cig, I cough to where I can't handle another puff. No matter what level of mg's I tried I would still cough. But I don't cough from the Newports. If I use the juice with 0mgs, I don't have a problem inhaling.
I want to get back to using the E-cigs again. Does anyone know why all the sudden I can't handle the electronic cigs anymore? Is there anything I can do to get back to using them without the coughing interfering? 0mg juice really does nothing for me. They aren't strong enough to help me weave away for the Newports.
Welcome and glad you joined. Might want to keep trying different solutions, all you have to do is succeed once and you win.
Might like to read:
A list of symptoms when quitting tobacco and changing to an ecigarette


New Member
Jan 22, 2017
Hi all and thanks for all the help so far.
I think I narrowed it down to what is making me cough with each inhale.
It's the nicotine in these juices. Although, smoking cigs doesn't make me cough and the EonSmoke cartridges I used in the past didn't make me cough. It wasn't until I tried going back to them is where the coughing started. I just can't figure this out.
Anyway, there was a vapor smoke shop I pass on my way to work. I went in and bought a device for testing purposes just to see.
I bought the Smok H-Priv Mini, which has good reviews from users of this device on Youtube. I purchased two juices to try with it. The device is a beast I must say. Big dense clouds and can be adjusted to less dense. It's complicated to setup. All the ohm, watt, fahrenheit and mode settings.
The juice: 3mg nic=inhale=cough (each time)
0mg nic=inhale=no coughing (each time)
Why is the nic making me cough now from vaping? I can deal with the 0mg but I need that semi harsh hit in the throat like a cigarette gives. That's what works for me to ease away from cigs. 0mg juice is too smooth on the throat for me. Is there a 0mg juice that can give the hit I am looking for?
By the way...both juices are 100 percent VG at 3mg nic
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 27, 2009
Oswego, New York
I was going to ask what percentage PG/VG liquid you are using, but I see you are doing 100% VG at 3mg. Usually VG produces the least irritating vapor, but maybe you have some kind of sensitivity to VG. If you started using an e-cig 8 years ago, it is very likely the liquid you were using was 100% PG. You may want to try a 100% PG liquid at 3 mg nicotine. 100% PG is more harsh than 100% VG for most people, but you may want to get a small bottle just to give it a try.

If that still doesn't work for you and you want a throat hit with 0 mg nicotine, try a high PG liquid with a strong cinnamon flavor. I have also heard that if you add alcohol to e-liquid it will give more of a throat hit.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 27, 2016
Long Island, New York
@prahsper from my own experience I was dual using for a while before I said enough and quit cold turkey. For the first two weeks Cig-A-Likes irritated my throat and were harsh and I believe this was from my smoking. Excess phlegm from smoking and the chemicals added to cigarettes is what I think caused it but after two weeks vaping was the ticket to me being close to 2 1/2 years with a single cigarette. I wish I would have stopped smoking when my GF did because she has a few years on me!

Good Luck and Vape On safely!


ECF Guru
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Sep 11, 2010
between here and there
Hi all and thanks for all the help so far.
I think I narrowed it down to what is making me cough with each inhale.
It's the nicotine in these juices. Although, smoking cigs doesn't make me cough and the EonSmoke cartridges I used in the past didn't make me cough. It wasn't until I tried going back to them is where the coughing started. I just can't figure this out.
Anyway, there was a vapor smoke shop I pass on my way to work. I went in and bought a device for testing purposes just to see.
I bought the Smok H-Priv Mini, which has good reviews from users of this device on Youtube. I purchased two juices to try with it. The device is a beast I must say. Big dense clouds and can be adjusted to less dense. It's complicated to setup. All the ohm, watt, fahrenheit and mode settings.
The juice: 3mg nic=inhale=cough (each time)
0mg nic=inhale=no coughing (each time)
Why is the nic making me cough now from vaping? I can deal with the 0mg but I need that semi harsh hit in the throat like a cigarette gives. That's what works for me to ease away from cigs. 0mg juice is too smooth on the throat for me. Is there a 0mg juice that can give the hit I am looking for?
By the way...both juices are 100 percent VG at 3mg nic
Hello and welcome to ecf.
Are you keeping yourself well hydrated? Vaping tends to remove moisture from the mouth, nose and throat. Be sure to keep plenty of your fav beverage handy. Try taking a drink(water is preferred not required) and then try to vape. See if that will help some.

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