End of an era - Ikenvape closing shop.

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 28, 2012
Madeira beach, Fla
Sorry if this is already posted, I don't get here as much as I like anymore.

But I got an email this morning that says Iken is shutting down, and thought i would share, many of the newer peeps have no clue, but the old guard knows this is like losing an old friend even if you didnt purchase there.

Through the years iken did a great job with their in house designs and were very popular, as well as being friends to the community and very helpful anytime anyone needed help.

One of the best, great products and service. and all around nice folks to deal with.

What you have done through the years will not be forgotten when we remember the "dark ages" in the beginning of vaping but alas vaping has moved so much past just cartos and 510 drippers it was only a matter of time i guess.

God speed, Issac & Valerie! thanks for the vapes and may you be well on your future endeavors. In this industry, people like you will sorely be missed.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Wow, sorry to read about this. Ikenvape cartos were my favorite cartomizers back in the day. I have to admit that I haven't used a cartomizer in probably 2 years.

I don't go there much, but I've heard that IBTanked appears to be slowing down, too. They made argueably the best, affordable pyrex cartotanks on the market.

As you said, Thrasher, an end to an era. :(


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
It is sad to see, but if a company can't change with the times and the rapid technology advances in this industry, it's inevitable they will lose market share. That's just business
You are probably right.

When I worked for a vape shop some time back, I was the only employee who used a cartotank. Hardly any employee ever sold a cartotank, because they didn't know anything about them. With selective customers who were frustrated with the early clearomizer tanks, I sold a fair number of cartotanks and for the vast majority of those customers they loved them. Unfortunately, I got very little management support to get a variety of tanks along with cartotank tools. Management said they couldn't "make money" selling cartotanks or cartomizers, so they would not be given any kind of priority. Emphysis was placed on clearomizers and rebuildables because new ones were coming out about every month, and we could always push the new ones if the old ones didn't work out for the customer. Kept business flowing, while the cartotank users weren't complaining because they "just worked".

Today's clearomizers arguably match or surpass yesterday's cartotanks. Rebuildables provide an overall better vaping experience if the consumer is willing to give them a try. Carto's and cartotanks have become a thing of the past, unfortunately. Very few vape shops or online suppliers sell them any more.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2012
That is too bad, especially considering their great contribution to many, many vapers and the industry as a whole. Their innovation and ingenuity was cutting edge back in the day and many of us might still be puffin' the stinkies if it weren't for the improvements Ikenvape implemented. Let us not forget the great contributions they made.
(newbs won't ever know the debt all vapers owe Ikenvape)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Feb 11, 2013
Las Vegas by way of NYC
Hello Bad long time no see. What some of the new peeps need to realize is that these sub tanks coils are based on both a carto and dripper. Without the Innovations of Iken with his cartos and Addy builders we wouldn't have the best of both worlds right now. Iken your one of a kind and only wish you the best
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2012
Lawrence KS
It is a bit sad when things fade away. Carto tanks were the bee's knees for me for several months. They just worked...period. Alas, I moved on to rebuildables, particularly the Kayfun, and technology left the cartos behind. Progress is good, but losing old friends in the process...


I'm still here on ECF... sort of. ;)
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 25, 2011
Sorry if this is already posted, I don't get here as much as I like anymore.

But I got an email this morning that says Iken is shutting down, and thought i would share, many of the newer peeps have no clue, but the old guard knows this is like losing an old friend even if you didnt purchase there.

Through the years iken did a great job with their in house designs and were very popular, as well as being friends to the community and very helpful anytime anyone needed help.

One of the best, great products and service. and all around nice folks to deal with.

What you have done through the years will not be forgotten when we remember the "dark ages" in the beginning of vaping but alas vaping has moved so much past just cartos and 510 drippers it was only a matter of time i guess.

God speed, Issac & Valerie! thanks for the vapes and may you be well on your future endeavors. In this industry, people like you will sorely be missed.

That is too bad, especially considering their great contribution to many, many vapers and the industry as a whole. Their innovation and ingenuity was cutting edge back in the day and many of us might still be puffin' the stinkies if it weren't for the improvements Ikenvape implemented. Let us not forget the great contributions they made.
(newbs won't ever know the debt all vapers owe Ikenvape)

Thank you, Thrasher and thank you, Hitmetwice. I could feel each and every word, huge time.

For anyone who might be interested....

Ikenvape - Remembering the Legend
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