Hair Loss Related

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Oct 5, 2011
London UK
Hi everyone,

First of all, I have searched the forum about hair loss and vaping and have come across a few but not any that answer my question.

I have been vaping for over a year now and I have noticed my hair isn't as strong anymore, meaning there is constantly hair falling out everyday <- which I know is normal to shed roughly 100 hairs a day or something similar to that. I know I have to accept that I am going thin as is does run in the family but do you think the effect of vaping could cause this? to much nicotine poisoning my body? I have been to the doctors and had every blood test I can have, Thyroid included and they come back all clean. Does anybody have any info on vaping and hair loss? I know there has been replies with people saying my dad smoked for 30+ years and he has full head of hair but I was thinking but with cigarettes you tend not to take in as much nicotine but where as Vaping go's I don't know if this is for everyone else But i find my self tugging on 24/7 if you catch my drift so really you are getting more nicotine that you would from a cigarette ignoring the other devilish stuff within cigarettes restricting blood flow and etc.

Starting from tomorrow I'm going to be tough and take my nicotine level's down to 14 or 15mg and give that a go for some time to see if it improves my hair loss. I can only think it is down to vaping as nothing has changed in my diet or life style or even taking anything such as medication or what so ever. All I know is I used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day but now I must be having at least 30 vape fags a day or even more ( 5-8ml) a day.

Let me know what you think on this subject.

I am only 22 and my hair loss about year ago was ok I had a slight thin spot on the crown area but now .... I really don't know if I rattle my hair I get hell of lot come out.... hmm strange one.
Do you think if my theory prove's correct that my hair will regrow and stay grown ?

heres a picture about year ago while I was in Texas for holiday -

So I am not totally losing it but the way my hair is falling out I'm afraid - Been on the hairloss forums elsewhere but none have a clue so I thought I would ask here

Peace my fellow Vapers :vapor:
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Sep 12, 2011
Cleveland Ohio
I don't think you'll get a conclusive answer because there has been no studies. I was about to say "tough it out. it happens with age" until I realized you were so young. hehe.

seriously though, all the men in my family have thinned VERY early. my guess would be genetics if no other health problems are present. good luck! get some rogaine :)


Senior Member
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Oct 5, 2011
London UK
No that's ok stosh I did say I kinda accept its the genetics part but I was wondering if there was anyone else out there who thought the same as me, I suppose all I can do to satisfy my self would be trial and error huh? I will remember I done this thread and report back to it in about month or 2 and let you all know how it's turned out.... (Probably be back saying GUYS....I'VE LOST MORE HAIR) hehe


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Jan 6, 2011
the burbs
i'm not a Dr., but a friend of mine went through something similar, but with a different suspected cause, and the Dr said that if hair is falling out excessively only in the typical areas that occur in males, then it's highly doubtful that anything other than genetics is to blame. however, if hair is falling out excessively *all over* the head, then there is a good chance that something other than genetics is causing it.


Senior Member
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Oct 5, 2011
London UK
i'm not a Dr., but a friend of mine went through something similar, but with a different suspected cause, and the Dr said that if hair is falling out excessively only in the typical areas that occur in males, then it's highly doubtful that anything other than genetics is to blame. however, if hair is falling out excessively *all over* the head, then there is a good chance that something other than genetics is causing it.

that's the problem it's a bit both and my doctors has cleared me with most blood tests and etc so my health is perfectly fine... the only thing I can point a finger at is the vaping as it seems to be since vaping the process has sped up... probably me being paranoid possibly but it's so annoying!


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Jun 26, 2009
Rogaine uses PG, so you can certainly rule that out a hair loss suspect. No idea about VG, but it seems an unlikely culprit. Since nicotine constricts blood vessels, I suppose it's possible that it could affect hair follicles by reducing blood flow to the scalp. But I'd think it would have to be a rare side-effect of regular high doses, otherwise most cigarette/chew/snuff/snus/NRT/ecig users would experience hair loss.

You are young to be losing hair, but it does happen to some (my husband started losing his hair in his early 20s). So I think genetics is your most likely cause, with a slight possibility that too much high nicotine for too long could have escalated it.


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Senior Member
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Oct 5, 2011
London UK
Thanks for the replies guy's..... and Lost toy I know it has been said sometimes you don't even realize how stressed you are? and i think this is my case....I think I am fine in the stress area, work is ok but I do have some money issues that is on my mind constantly and breaking up with my ex about 11 - 12months ago could have an effect as it did hit me quite hard and still to this day it's on my mind ... But it's not stopping me from enjoying single life and having a laugh.... By the way I made a batch of 14mg juice with 10% vodka for the throat hit hehe and I have been on it since last night and i'm going ok at the moment :)
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Said Jadc:

Trust me been down the Route of Rogaine so bloody expensive!

Rogaine is savagely expensive. But Rogaine is the vastly most expensive version of Minoxidil, which is the active drug in Rogaine.

You can get it much less expensively. Check out "Minoxidil" on amazon dot com, or maybe amazon dot co dot uk: you'll find, for instance, the Costco version which works out to $10 or so per month for application to the crown. (Plus shipping to London, of course.) To treat the entire balding part of the scalp would cost maybe three times that. Thirty bucks per month doesn't strike me as awfully expensive; Rogaine would be much, much more.
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Ultra Member
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May 7, 2011
N. California
Haven't noticed any change in hair loss here since starting vaping... unfortunately the hair line is creeping up as steadily as it was before. Have you checked into the possibility of dehydration affecting hair loss? A lot of people seem to have problems with dehydration and vaping.


Senior Member
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Oct 5, 2011
London UK
@mostlyclassics Yea there is Kirkland Minoxidil , don't worry I have researched so much into all of this hehe thanks though buddy :) , But when I hear comments of been smoking for years and still have full of hair... people need to remember everyone reacts to chemicals and what ever else differently I personally believe... this must be my case if my hairloss has been reduced and even vaping has been reduced , this is the only other explanation I have that's making it fall out less... I aint completely bald at all yet but it was falling out at a rate of give it a little time it soon all be out lol!

I am quite a healthy person, drinks plenty of water, eats the right foods, never eats fast foods, take good care of hair never wash it everyday (If it ever is greasy I would use baby powder to dry it out a tad)
It's just strange since I have dropped about 6-8 mg and vaping less when I do wash it there isn't as many hairs in the bath...
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