New-ISH to RBA - Rebuilding-coils etc.

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So I wouldn't say I'm completely blind on how to rebuild coils for rba's (if I'm even using that term right). I currently have a Patriot, IGO-W5 and a Nimbus clone that I hardly use.

Could anybody direct me to any thread(s) that could help shape my vocabulary and know how? I currently play around with and use sub-ohm builds.. I DO USE AN OHM METER. I am also a DC Electrician so ohms law is second nature and a know how for safety etc.

Basically I want to know the difference between RBA and rda(?)

What kinds there are be it bottom fed or top fed etc. I'm real blurry on that subject.

Sorry for being vague if it seems like it lol. Sleep is for the weak ;)
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