Post pictures of your high quality clones!

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Aug 23, 2014
I just ordered a few things randomly form angelcigs before looking for some reviews on youtube and realizing that the alien rda clone that I ordered has the airflow in some awkward places and is a cheap authentic anyway. Damn. But I might as well try to make it work. It is definitely a quad coil atty though, and none of the reviews I have seen have built it with more than 2 coils. The way the alien eyes are only would work with 4 coils, unless you were blocking off one eye on each side. Its worth a try.


Ninja, have you tried this rda already?

Bad Ninja

Vaping Master
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Jun 26, 2013
God's Country
I just ordered a few things randomly form angelcigs before looking for some reviews on youtube and realizing that the alien rda clone that I ordered has the airflow in some awkward places and is a cheap authentic anyway. Damn. But I might as well try to make it work. It is definitely a quad coil atty though, and none of the reviews I have seen have built it with more than 2 coils. The way the alien eyes are only would work with 4 coils, unless you were blocking off one eye on each side. Its worth a try.


Ninja, have you tried this rda already?

Not yet but the wife has had her eye on it.
Looks interesting for sure.
Would look good on the Cherry Bomber clone I have coming :D


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2014
My brand new (Tobeco) Veritas...


And it's sitting on my Galileo; it's by Smoktech, and though it has been cloned (I saw it first on FT, not a Smoktech), I've also heard that it is itself a clone of something, by someone. Anyone have any info on that?


Authentic Galileo.....


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014

Thx, that was interesting -- mine is both better looking, and has a magnet rather than spring switch. And at $34 from MadVapes, probably costs a LOT!!! less! :D Yay, Smoktech! I'm not precisely sure what they mean about "5 different adaptors" since I only know of 2, the ego and 510 -- and mine has both of those. Oh, I guess a third interface I know about would be a direct hybrid thing, like a Valkyrie -- which, if the RDA had any kind of well at all, I'd buy in a heartbeat, because that's the sharpest looking mod I've ever seen. But it has no well at all. :(



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Jan 24, 2014
I don't think that Smoktech is a 1:1 clone of anything. It has a top cap that looks like a vamo top, and the rest of it looks similar to any other telescoping mod, but definitely not the same. Its a nice mod though, and looks good with that Veritas on it!

I agree; it caught my eye when I first found it on FT, but the reviews for it were terrible, so I went looking; found the genuine Smoktech and saw that it wasn't expensive at all, so it went to top of the wish list; in February I was finally able to get it, and I'm tickled to death with it! I had thought the bottom button would be awkward, but I find that I get used to it very quickly; it's a lot less awkward than the side-bottom switch on my Fallen Angel. If I get anymore side-switched mechs, I'm gonna go for one with the side-switch at the top, similar to a regulated. I know the Poldiak, but it's pretty pricey; the Roller might be a good alternate, and I don't think it's quite as expensive as the Poldiaks.

But the Galileo has a really nice hand-feel; it's heavy enough to feel solid in your hand, but not so heavy it's tiring to carry around; it's also rather slim-feeling, though it's a 22mm mod. Maybe it feels slim because I'm used to my 23mm sigelei zmax (my 22mm Vamo feels slim in my hand too).



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2014
I agree; it caught my eye when I first found it on FT, but the reviews for it were terrible, so I went looking; found the genuine Smoktech and saw that it wasn't expensive at all, so it went to top of the wish list; in February I was finally able to get it, and I'm tickled to death with it! I had thought the bottom button would be awkward, but I find that I get used to it very quickly; it's a lot less awkward than the side-bottom switch on my Fallen Angel. If I get anymore side-switched mechs, I'm gonna go for one with the side-switch at the top, similar to a regulated. I know the Poldiak, but it's pretty pricey; the Roller might be a good alternate, and I don't think it's quite as expensive as the Poldiaks.

But the Galileo has a really nice hand-feel; it's heavy enough to feel solid in your hand, but not so heavy it's tiring to carry around; it's also rather slim-feeling, though it's a 22mm mod. Maybe it feels slim because I'm used to my 23mm sigelei zmax (my 22mm Vamo feels slim in my hand too).


I remember when you were first looking at that fallen angel I made a comment about not liking side fire buttons, and how quickly you would get used to the bottom button........... But ya didn't believe me then :p


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
I remember when you were first looking at that fallen angel I made a comment about not liking side fire buttons, and how quickly you would get used to the bottom button........... But ya didn't believe me then :p

No, it seemed to me that the opposite would be true. And I did get used to the side-bottom button, but it really is awkward, particularly since I've gotten in the habit of always using my thumb on the fire button of my regulated mods -- my pinkies aren't really strong enough even for a soft button like the Fallen Angel's. So I just grab it by the bottom-most portion, so my thumb can get at it. :D The Galileo needs to be held in an entirely different fashion, sort of in the crook of my thumb, but since getting used to that, the bottom switch doesn't perturb me.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 22, 2010
You can always stick with your Nemesis and get this:

Since you won't need your Nemmie's top cap, you can take the connector pin from it and stick it on your switch since it's a better conductor than the pin that comes in there.

Doing it that way will also shorten your switch's throw and eliminate any wobbling.


Ultra Member
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Aug 23, 2014
I only really use 18650 due to the builds that I prefer drawing a lot of amps. SMPL is one of the smaller 18650 mods. XXIX is about the same size. Both hybrids.

IIRC, my XXIX clone came with tubes for 18500 and 18350. I'm not going to get the box out and check it right now, but that is something to look into as well.
4nine and magma.. i'm liking magma alot right now. the 4nine is ok, but i'm not liking the button so much. it's crunchy and sometimes it will not fire due to angle it's being pressed at. might have to take sand paper to the button later if it doesn't smooth out in next week or so.

This post is from along time ago, but if you're still having this problem, I might have a possible solution. I recently discovered with my 4Nine that if you push the bottom magnet out a bit (using a small pin/nail and hammer through the bottom switch hole) that it reduces the button throw and doesn't grab the sides.
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