The Joke Tread!

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2011
C'Ville Virginia
This my friends is all about having a chuckle and sharing jokes but to me its special, it was a requested by a very special member and means a lot. I say fun is unpredictable to having a laugh is awesome! the rewards can vary hahah! Oh! are there any rules ? (nope) how much does it cost to play? (its FREE)
( what can i win!) Honesty it can vary from a 10 ml bottle to a job:)
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
I saw this one today in my email. Over the years the cars have changed but the joke is a classic IMO....

Three Guys in Heaven

Three guys died and when St. Peter met them at the pearly gates, he said, “I know that you guys are forgiven because you’re here. Before I let you into Heaven, I have to ask you something. You have to have a car in Heaven because Heaven is so big. What kind of car you get will depend on your answer.”

The first guy walked up and St. Peter asked him, “How long were you married?” He answered, “24 years.” “Did you ever cheat on your wife?”, St. Peter asked. The guy said, “Yeah, 7 times … but you said I was forgiven.” St. Peter said, “Yeah, but that’s not too good. Here’s a Pinto to drive.”

The second guy walked up and got the same question from St. Peter. He answered, “I was married for 41 years and cheated on her once, but that was our first year and we really worked it out.” St. Peter said, “I’m pleased to hear that. Here’s a Lincoln.”

The third guy walked up and said, “St. Peter, I know what you’re going to ask. I was married for 63 years and didn’t even look at another woman! I treated my wife like a queen!” St. Peter said, “That’s what I like to hear. Here’s a Jaguar!”

A few days later, the two guys with the Lincoln and the Pinto saw the guy with the Jaguar, crying on the golden sidewalk. When they asked him what was wrong, he said, “I just saw my wife. She was on a skateboard!”


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 17, 2011
Terre Haute, IN
Here is a joke my mom sent me.
It is one I know P0P will like!

A Harley Biker is riding by the zoo in Washington , DC when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the collar of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents.

The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch.

Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly. A reporter has watched the whole event.

The reporter addressing the Harley rider says, 'Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I've seen a man do in my whole life.'

The Harley rider replies, 'Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as I felt right.'

The reporter says, 'Well, I'll make sure this won't go unnoticed. I'm a journalist, you know, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page... So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?'

The biker replies, I'm a U.S. Marine and a Republican

The journalist leaves.

The following morning the biker buys the Washington Post to see if it indeed brings news of his actions, and reads, on the front page:


....and THAT pretty much sums up the media's approach to the news these days...
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