UK - proposed regulation of e-cigs - petition - Further action....

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ECF Founder, formerly SmokeyJoe
Verified Member
Hello to all UK vapers.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has just published its consultation on the regulation of nicotine-containing products.

Despite the recent pledge by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence to support harm reduction as a strategy for reducing tobacco-related deaths, it seems that our method is not being included in that approach, at least in its current form.

Please take a few seconds to sign this petition and, perhaps more importantly, spend some time contributing to the MHRA consultation document here

The discussion thread on these developments can be found here:

Other things you can do to help:

~ Write to your MP - WriteToThem - Email or fax your Councillor, MP, MEP, MSP or Welsh, NI, London Assembly Member for free

~ Pass on the news to any interested parties - friends, family, acquaintances, other forums, Twitter and Facebook friends etc. Ask them to support you by signing the petition or commenting - not over-emotionally- to the MHRA.

For full details, please see here: MLXs: Medicines consultation letters : MHRA
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Captain Tightpants
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 2, 2009
*A second UK Petition, on the No 10 site.*

Another UK petition is open, this time on the No 10 Downing Street site.

This is a rather brief, but entirely valid petition on the number 10 petition site.

You may also sign this one (British citizens only) and the URL is

Petition to: Quash the upcoming policy to ban electronic cigarettes. |

When you have entered your details, you will receive an email with a link to click on to authenticate your signature (email can take 30mins to arrive) and then it is added. (can take another hour)

This petition is for British citizens and there is a drop down list for expats and other Brits currently out of the UK.
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