Women: has your hair thinned since switching to vaping

women: has your hair been thinning since switching to vaping

  • Yes, its been out of control, im scared

  • I have noticed considerable shedding and thinning

  • There has definitely been increased hair shed, and I notice thinning

  • Im pretty sure Im shedding more then usual, I seem a bit thinner

  • I might be shedding more then usual, i dont notice hair thinning though

  • I dont notice any change in my hair

  • My hair seems better and thicker since switching to vaping

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ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
I've gotten older since I started to vape 3+ years ago.

so........yeah, probably. :)

I have found that taking BIOTIN capsules does wonders for growing my hair and making it healthy and thicker.

NRT does have a reputation for causing hairloss

That is interesting, never read up on that. got any good links?


Full Member
Jun 11, 2015
Long-term Nicorette gum users losing hair and teeth

As requested, a link which discusses hair loss linked to nrt..

I am still vaping and still shedding. Too afraid to stop vaping, as I don't want to go back to smoking. Dropped nic levels down to 1.5 mg. Recently got new hardware tho, subtank nano, as I want to stop using pg in my juices. All my juices feel much stronger then they did in my evod, and since then my hair is shedding even more (so there's an obvious link to nicotine going on). Next juices I recieve, im gonna try adding no nic to, or if I cant handle that, ill see if I can manage 0.2 ml/mg or something tiny like that. Gee I must be so sensitive to extracted nicotine! !
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Full Member
Jun 11, 2015
Good luck to u Katie! We are NOT the only ones. Looking at the poll it seems there are others suffering this too. It seems for most people its not a problem, but it seems theres definitely a percentage who have this happen. I can't curse vaping tho, it cant be worse then cigs thats for sure, but side effects might just be different of course. I just received a new juice order today, I haven't added nic to it. Vaping it now and im not sure I can really tell the difference actually! Im doing max vg now and sub om mod. Flavors are great, and I want to be vaping for flavor now and not nic, and to save me going back to smoking. Haven't had a cigarette now in more then four months. If I can stay off nic now and not go back to smoking, this hair loss or deal would have been worth it (im assuming it will all grow back! )

Katie B

Full Member
Nov 5, 2015
Good luck to u Katie! We are NOT the only ones. Looking at the poll it seems there are others suffering this too. It seems for most people its not a problem, but it seems theres definitely a percentage who have this happen. I can't curse vaping tho, it cant be worse then cigs thats for sure, but side effects might just be different of course. I just received a new juice order today, I haven't added nic to it. Vaping it now and im not sure I can really tell the difference actually! Im doing max vg now and sub om mod. Flavors are great, and I want to be vaping for flavor now and not nic, and to save me going back to smoking. Haven't had a cigarette now in more then four months. If I can stay off nic now and not go back to smoking, this hair loss or deal would have been worth it (im assuming it will all grow back! )
Can I just ask why do you think it's nicotine we're allergic to? I just presumed it was pg and I didn't even bother thinking it could be the nicotine. May get a nicotine free juice. I'm doing ok just feel really angry at times, nicotine is a killer. Also I got wella sp scalp therapy which o have been using everyday my hair is already thickening up (even other half has noticed) I have started to thin at the front hair line and on the sides. Can u let me know how you get on with no nicotine as can't pick no nicotine juice until Saturday. Is your scalp itchy too?


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I just received a new juice order today, I haven't added nic to it. Vaping it now and im not sure I can really tell the difference actually! Im doing max vg now and sub om mod. Flavors are great, and I want to be vaping for flavor now and not nic, and to save me going back to smoking. Haven't had a cigarette now in more then four months. If I can stay off nic now...
Keep us posted on how that goes for you?

I'm always interested in seeing vapers just cut out the nicotine and see what happens.
I have no interest in stopping the nicotine, but I have seen others do it without too much trouble.

It's a very interesting topic, and could have important ramifications.
So it's good to get all the input we can when people give it a shot.


Senior Member
Nov 28, 2015
I'm guessing it's likely age related, if not hormones related to normal chick stuff!

My hair started to thin out about 2 months ago. I noticed it coming out a lot but I have extremely thick wavy hair and my hairdresser says i have about double the amount of most.
I believe it is age related BUT about the same time, I also started to develop an intolerance to VG, and have since pulled back from 70%vg to 50/50 and the throat problems I had developed, went away within 48 hours. Yet my throat was bad enough that I had been tested for thyroid imbalance, GERD, and had lung tests for asthma but everything came back fine. It was VG, the last thing I looked at, vaping.

It is, however normal at some point for womans hair to thin and the texture to change and it's a bit of a shock when it happens - lol

I've been vaping almost 2 years and in the past 6 months, went from normal to dry hair, to greasy within 24 hours. Never had that happen in my life. Vaping again, was the last thing I thought of but have been tested for everything imaginable that could explain it and nothing there either.
I have since read that many woman wake up one day with greasy hair and no matter what they do, for 4-6 months it can remain that way and then one day they wake up and it's all gone.
I'm still waiting for the all gone moment but again, I assume its age related...

I don't personally think it is to do with VG or vaping but simply age related.
Have just come into that age where menopause might be nearer than further away so it all happening at the same time, would suggest aging and a normal female imbalance of some kind.

The only two things that came up with all the tests were a deficiency in both B12 vitamin and Vitamin D, both of which I have just started taking proper good vitamins for. Are either of those related to any of this? Perhaps? I can't say as i haven't taken the time out to figure it out.

Apparently aging sucks so I have put it all down to that :) That being said, i would never be surprised to discover that some reactions to PG or VG, might go along this route, although I don't believe I have heard of such yet.

EDIT: I only use 6mg Nic and have for over a year
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Sep 21, 2013
Not being of the medical profession, I wonder:

Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor. Means it would affect the tiny capillaries feeding nourishment to hair roots as well. If one doesn't have as many to begin with, nic might choke the 'supply line' to the point where the hair root won't get enough of whatever it needs and quits growing a hair.

Baldness - or rather combatting it is beeeeg bidness, so there should be ample research. Any credit to my thought? Or utter BS ?

Then again BP more or less stumbled over minoxidil by chance...


Senior Member
Nov 28, 2015
Not being of the medical profession, I wonder:

Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor. Means it would affect the tiny capillaries feeding nourishment to hair roots as well. If one doesn't have as many to begin with, nic might choke the 'supply line' to the point where the hair root won't get enough of whatever it needs and quits growing a hair.

Baldness - or rather combatting it is beeeeg bidness, so there should be ample research. Any credit to my thought? Or utter BS ?

Then again BP more or less stumbled over minoxidil by chance...

But if that were the case, would we not have heard about this affecting smokers in such a manner?
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Katie B

Full Member
Nov 5, 2015

It turned out I had a vitamin d deficiency, which causes thin hair. I was happy as this meant that I could vape again. That was a bad idea. I vaped that night, again I had itching all over my body, heart palpitations and no sleep what so ever. So it's at that point that I realised I am definitely allergic to it. I must be one of the ones that's allergic to
It. The next morning I vowed to never do it again as I had such a bad reaction. So think vitamin d caused hair loss but the feeling rubbish I.e itching skin, was the vape. Rubbish but feel back to my old self since stopping.


Senior Member
Nov 28, 2015
I was tested for the deficiency and had it. But, my doctor suddenly left her practise to specialize and I didn't see her before she went. 10 years went by and she came back to a private practise 3 days a week and I went back to her. She had always kept immaculate records and when I was told about this deficiency last month, she was able to pull up records that showed my having it at least, as far back as 2005.

I have extremely thick hair and have so far been able to afford losing it. I should add that no one would know I was, it looks as thick but i can feel where it's thinner than before.

Mine seems to be slowing down now, after about 2 or so months of it, but I personally don't think it has anything at all to do with vaping.

Katie, what do you vape, 50/50?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 27, 2015
Dunoon, West of Scotland.
My dearly beloved wife hails from Lanarkshire Scotland where they are born with Weapons Grade hair; she is a redhead who still has a lot of colour in her hair - she will be 70 in March; it is 40+ years since she last touched a cigarette and even then she was never a big smoker. She thinks her hair is thinner than when she was younger. She was a highly qualified senior nurse and in her opinion it is a hormonal thing. I believe her. I am bald by the way...as was my father, my uncles and my cousins...family genes rule!
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