Freemax Mesh Pro Metal Edition

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Freemax Mesh Pro Metal Edition
It was Freemax launch the world’s first Mesh Coil Sub Ohm Tank Fireluke Mesh and again Freemax Mesh Pro is the world’s first sub ohm tank with Double and Triple Mesh Coils. With Double & Triple Mesh Coil technology, the Freemax Mesh Pro is able to generate pure flavor with huge clouds even at 80-110 watts. Also innvations are applied to the Mesh Pro from the top to bottom: Anti-Spitback 810 Driptip, Slide to fill top fill design with vent hole, 360 degree eliquid leading holes coil structure, updated wood pulp cotton, and ajustable positive pin compatible with all devices, along with the Double & Triple Mesh Coil, all together makes the Freemax Mesh Pro is the first sub ohm tank with so great flavor that you’d never experienced before even with RDA.

Now the Freemax Mesh Pro Metal Edition was offically released on 30th, July.

What's in the box?
1 x Freemax Mesh Pro Subohm Tank 5ml(with Single Mesh 0.15ohm Coil pre-install)
1 x Extra Double Mesh 0.2ohm Coil(60-90W)
1 x Replacement Pyrex Glass 6ml
1 x Replacement O-rings
1 x User Manual
Coil Compatibility
Mesh Coil Pro System
Kanthal Single Mesh 0.15ohm Coil-rated for 40-70W(pre-installed)
Kanthal Double Mesh 0.2ohm Coil-rated for 60-90W(included)
Kanthal Triple Mesh 0.15ohm Coil-rated for 80-110W(not included)
SS316 Single Mesh 0.12ohm Coil-rated for 400-550°F(not included)

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