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  1. C

    Today was a good day...

    For work. That's always a good start. Then I noticed my Silver Bullet order is complete...not too long now! THEN I saw some methods on the forums to revive old atty's...worked like a champ...I now have several well performing atty's that vaped like <bleep> yesterday!!! TTHHHEEENNN I saw...
  2. C

    Tasty Vapor Menthol

    So I've spent about 6 weeks now on my new DSE901, and I love it! I haven't had an analog during that entire duration with the exception of a couple of drags off of one of my old favorites just to find out that they taste like .... compared to my e-cig. I finally placed a new order for liquid...
  3. C

    Just arrived!!!!

    My first e-cig...a DSE901...just arrived in the mail today!!! I just opened the box.:w00t: I'm so excited!:w00t:
  4. C

    Newest of the New

    As in literally I just signed up 10 seconds ago and this is my first post. Thanks to all those who have obviously spent a considerable amount of time in trying to inform the likes of me. I've been trolling around this forum for several days now ever since stumbling upon a review for e-cigs on a...