Search results

  1. nelson996

    Mini Protank 3 - Chimney wick...?

    got bored of messing up wicks all the time, so thought i would try something different. always seem to use kanger stuff, initially the evods, now the mini protank 3. just like the size and it's easy to rebuild. i use a vertical coil, about 8-9 wraps of 0.28mm, wrapped on a 1.6mm piece of silver...
  2. nelson996

    Vamo PCB holder... ongoing project...

    wanted to do a project with a vamo, as they are functional and cheap.... made out of solid stainless and brass battery tube and buttons..... it also has a charging board. been a long project so far, difficult to find time with a family! the hope is that if and when it's finished and i can get...
  3. nelson996

    Anyone know what the evic threads sizes are...?

    Before I start anything could anyone confirm, deny or inform what the evic threads are please? I think they may be as follows: Battery tube and base of control head - M21 X 0.8 Top shroud - M20 X 0.5 Thanks in advance!!! :blush:
  4. nelson996

    RBA dripper

    Thought I'd have a go at making my own rebuildable dripper... For some reason I made it ego style! As it's a dripper, I made a raised air hole so as to reduce leaking. Wrapped it with cotton which I then unraveled an pushed up into the shroud. Been using it for a couple of days. It will...
  5. nelson996

    Advice... Best gravity fed design?

    Was curious about gravity fed tank atomizers, so I had a go at making one using kanthal and cotton atty. My experience in the finished product showed quite a few benefits over bottom feeders. Constant feed of juice directly to atty, no dry hits. No contamination of juice due to carbon build up...
  6. nelson996

    look, no kanthal!... need advice...

    so you can create vapour without kanthal, but what are the deciding factors that could make this method work??? need some advice from those in the know please!!! i have access to a machine shop, but i don't own a bench power supply, so even though i can make it, i can't do any proper testing...
  7. nelson996

    modding question RE Raidys Genesis

    hope i'm ok to post this here, i'm a newbie and my posts are limited to the new members forum for the moment. wanted to do some modding in relation to raidys amazing genesis, but wanted some professional advice before i splashed the cash!!!! so here goes.... hope the picture at the bottom of the...