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  1. wigglr

    Darwin for Lavatube Help

    Hey all, I have a Darwin, and often can't justify the expense to myself. I was looking at trading it for a lavatube, but it seems it has become increasingly complicated - LRider, Young Jung (?spelling?), VMax...? What is the best option in the market for a "Lavatube"? Where do I buy it? What...
  2. wigglr

    Some very much delayed love for the IO6

    I got a couple of IO6s in the mail recently. I had just purchased some 901s from IKV - my first experience with a 901 atty. I fell in love. Very quickly, I was getting great flavor and amazing vapor. So when the IO6s hit my mailbox, I didn't feel the need to pop them on a mod and vape. But last...
  3. wigglr

    My newest GG pic

    A new advertisement for "Camels"... for when Camel goes E-Cig. I thought this would be a great picture to add to our collection.
  4. wigglr


    SOMEBODY has nearly doubled in their investment in GG products (from the classies)
  5. wigglr

    Burnt Taste on Ody

    So here comes the most incapable GG vapor *Music* I am getting dry hits on my Ody. I torched the ceramic and have made a couple of coils and I keep getting the same burnt taste. I am dripping directly onto the wick by taking the mouthpiece off, so I think my wick should be wet enough. I also...
  6. wigglr

    Loosening coils, what to do ?

    Hey all, Got my first use out of my Ody today. Was a bit impatient and bypassed cleaning. The vapor was AMAZING, but flavor... well... my all-day vape isn't soap, so I gave it a wash. But I have a quick question. When I put the wires down the side of the ceramic, the coil around the wick comes...
  7. wigglr


    It says he's moved on! What happened?!
  8. wigglr

    Sudden Juice Level Drop in UFS

    So I fill up my UFS, and I might open the juice control a bit too much which may cause this, but then I close it and vape away. And I barely vape anything before it's dry. The thing is that I really don't have it open that much... maybe 1/4 or 1/8 of a turn and suddenly it drops. For instance...
  9. wigglr

    Gorilla Juice -- how to maximize taste?

    I asked this in the AVE subforum, but thought I'd throw it out here too... At what nicotine level do you find Gorilla Juice tastes best? What about hardware setup?? Thanks for your experience!
  10. wigglr

    Nicotine level for best GJ taste?

    I read somewhere a preference for either Bobas or GJ at a certain nicotine level for best taste... I was wondering what people's experience is as far as GJ goes... So at what nicotine level do you think GJ tastes best?
  11. wigglr

    Gorilla juice... no banana taste

    So I loved my sample so much that when I finished it up, I ordered a larger bottle.. However I get no banana taste in my 30 ml :(. I tried cooling down the vape to get more flavor and drinking more water and taking a break. No results
  12. wigglr

    ufs help (yes again lol)

    I don't seem to be getting a vaccuum. my hits are extremely airy... i think this may be due to a lack of vaccuum as no juice is getting to the atomizer. what should i do to counteract this?
  13. wigglr

    quick question about UFS

    So I have my UFS dialed in to a point where it seems to be working well. At this point can I just leave it like that when having it on the coffee table and such? Or do I have to close the juice control ring after using it? Tx!
  14. wigglr

    I still think sometihng is wrong with my UFS

    I got the UFS v2 the night it was released, and ever since then I haven't been able to get it to work properly. For some time now I've just been unscrewing the top and then re-screwing it to get juice into it. I have the air control open about 1 cm (less than 1/8 of a turn), and juice open...
  15. wigglr

    How do you take apart the button?

    I've never been able to do this, and any tips would be extremely helpful! Thanks so much
  16. wigglr

    UFS problems

    I just got the UFS this last week. From my experience with the AVS, it seems that it hasn't been feeding properly. I have had the juice control completely open, the airholes on the atty are lined up correctly, and the air control right almost completely closed, and it still doesn't seem to feed...
  17. wigglr

    Toasted toffee and what else?

    I'm planning on ordering from ECSI and getting the toasted toffee. Anybody try the other tobaccos and can recommend any? (trying to meet that $10 min purchase)
  18. wigglr

    $400 for a SLIM!?!?!?!?!

    I think my title says it all!
  19. wigglr

    AVS v2 juice not feeding.. help plz

    Hey all... The AVS (v2) has been a blessing. But recently I have been having a lot of leaking due to the fact that the only way for me to get jucie to the atty is by slightly opening up the top cap.. without doing this I am not getting any juice in the atty regardless of how I tight I put the...
  20. wigglr

    SS button getting hot?

    Is this happening with anybody else? The button on my SS is getting really hot both w/ a spring and w/out a spring? It's just the button that gets hot -- nothing else. Its a short from a bad atomizer wig. Change atomizer and change batteries too. Also dont screw hard the telescope so center...