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  1. Dogman

    Desperate in North Carolina

    Ok i know this is an impossible list of questions. but i'm gonna post this in case it strikes a cord with someone. not liking VG much seems to put me in the minority, but surely theres someone else out there. I've been Vaping for about 6 months give or take. and like most on here it took awhile...
  2. Dogman

    will be ordering my new ST vv very very soon !! :)

    I was gonna order my Saber touch on the 1st. but now the IRS delayed the refunds by a week :( now I will have to wait till the seventh :( what is a guy to do? OH well can't wait to post pics of my new Saber Touch on here very soon :) If can put it down long enough lol :vapor:
  3. Dogman

    Hello ECF new member here. and I've been smoke free for 6 months :)

    Hello all I'm new here, so i figured I'd introduce myself I've now been Vaping for about 6 months. my first experience Vaping was with a cigarette style with pre filled carto's. that lasted a month. I was a very heavy smoker and while those slowed me down they did not quite do the trick. not...