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  1. I

    Day 2 of my eGo-T E-Cig

    Having been a pack a day smoker for 30 years, this morning was the very first morning I woke up and didn't have a cigarette. Instead I rolled over, took my E-Cig in had and had a couple pulls. After about the 4th pull I was ready to get up and face the day. I must admit I haven't completely quit...
  2. I

    I received my E-Cig today

    I received my eGo-T today and I purchased 2 bottles of juice. 1 was Canadian Full Flavour, and the other was Do more in may a name knock off of the Canadian cigarette Du Maurier. After I assembled everything and filled he tank up, I was vaping away :). I vaped in bed, I vaped while on the...
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    Blog by IanK1968