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  1. Nathanman


    I have just purchased a Kanger K Simar 20 and I loves it! Only problem is that the voltage is far too high for my Kanger Protank 2. It is giving me plenty of vapour but no taste apart from the burning. This is the 1st mod I've bought and have been using the vapeonly V Power which is perfect...
  2. Nathanman

    Shops in NYC

    I'm visiting NYC in a week and wanted to know if there are any stores where I can buy supplies such as tanks, batteries etc. in the U.K thre are no stores that I know of where you can walk in and buy. I would really like to stock up if I can get the chance as it would work out a lot cheaper for...
  3. Nathanman


    Many a post starts with the statement "this may be a silly question" but this really may be one that fits the description. I have a kanger tank. Recently the top plastic mouthpart came away from the metal screw-on that screws on to the barrel. This resulted in a little gap that has allowed the...