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  1. D

    Update, Vent, and Question all in one

    First the Update - So far, I have had my Green Smoke for a week now. I love it, but I haven't totally quit analogs totally. I am now down to about three or four a day, but from 1 PAD habit, I definitely think that it is working. I am still having problems getting rid of the first one in the...
  2. D

    New e-cig batteries smell like new electronics

    I am new to e-cigs and I have only had mine a couple of days. I was wondering if it was normal for the new batteries for e-cigs to have that new electronic smell (the smell that can be associated with a new tv being on for a little while). Both batteries kind of have that smell, especially the...
  3. D

    Green Smoke

    Just got my Green Smoke starter kit in the main yesterday. So far, I'm really liking it. I ordered it on Thursday and made sure I had plenty on analogs around contemplating the 5 to 11 day shipping time that they stated was standard if you chose the free shipping. However it arrived...
  4. D

    Question about e cigs

    I am new to e cigs. I recently picked up a blu disposable and liked it. I want to purchase a starter kit of a cig-look-alike, but still conflicted over which one to get. I was considering the blu and the green smoke starter kits. Both of them have some up sides and some down sides as far as...