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  1. D

    Mechanical Mods

    I'm thinking about getting a mechanical mod for my genesis, any ideas on a good, inexpensive one? I don't want to break the bank with one, but I don't want to compromise performance for low price. Anyone know anything about the Sigelei mods? Plz any advice would be helpful!
  2. D

    Steeping and warm water? Tips on steeping?

    Lol I have breasts, but I don't wear a bra so I can't really try this...hilarious though!
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    Is anyone a non smoker before starting vaping

    I saw a lady that quit years ago, but vapes for dieting reasons. Idk if you want to vape, but never smoked, choose no nicotine juices.
  4. D

    New guy needs info

    I hope you didn't pay $80 for it!?! I got my vamo v3 full kit for $53. Think of the voltage as the power that's going to the coil; it needs to be adjusted to suit the coil. Wattage, however, think of as the heat that the coil is producing; so the vamo will adjust the voltage to each atomizer...
  5. D

    Best place to buy liquid great service...I just posted a detailed review of them!
  6. D

    Trying to get my 5 in!

    Just don't like this 5 post requirement; however, I do understand the forums fears of spammers...I don't like them either!
  7. D

    Best E-liquid I've had is a great vendor and only one of two labs in the US that is FDA certified. Luckily, their home lab is in Michigan and only 25 minutes away from me! (Yes we calculate distance in number of minutes in MI lol). You guys should really try them out and free priority shopping in order...
  8. D

    Didn't know this...

    Had no idea that I had to post like 5-10 threads on the "new members forum"