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    FDA E-cigarretes must be banned, they are almost as dangerous as weapons of mass destruction.

    So you support genital mutilation and other serious human rights abuses? This isn't about banning things we merely disagree with. Anyone who think that butchering a baby's genitals is acceptable is someone who I would want to avoid at all costs because there is no way in hell I will ever...
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    FDA E-cigarretes must be banned, they are almost as dangerous as weapons of mass destruction.

    Not from what I've been told. Not in America or Australia that's for sure. It was introduced into Western societies in response to anti-.........ion hysteria that started in the mid 19th century. They also recommended cutting or burning the genitals of girls too. It had nothing to do with...
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    FDA E-cigarretes must be banned, they are almost as dangerous as weapons of mass destruction.

    Number of baby boys who have died as a result of circumcision, a barbaric and disgusting human rights violation, not to mention a sex crime? Thousands. So?! Everyone goes silent. Falls on deaf ears. Nobody cares. Nothing to see here, move on.
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    FDA FDA deeming regulation proposals

    Same here. I used to smoke when I was 15,16,17...then stopped. Damn that was hard. Vaping gives me all that experience without feeling like I am choking to death.
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    FDA FDA deeming regulation proposals

    Whatever you do, please don't listen to the CDC. They are advocating male infant genital mutilation! There's no chance I would ever trust them with anything they say after they more or less openly support what constitutes a massive, massive human rights violation and a sex crime that I, and many...
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    FDA FDA's leaked guidance for PMTAs confirm deeming reg would ban >99.9% of nicotine vapor products

    Yeah, the ones that rob you of your sexual function...sometimes permanently. SSRIs are for those who circumcision didn't do a good enough job of ruining their that was the whole idea behind it, and please pay NO attention to the medical "justifications". That's just
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    FDA FDA's leaked guidance for PMTAs confirm deeming reg would ban >99.9% of nicotine vapor products

    Since that market has already been created and there isn't a whole lot for them to improve on... they have to destroy it. It's no different than the ....... market. Or the opiate market. They came, they saw the market, they ....ed it over, that was their plan. Then they introduced their...
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    FDA FDA's leaked guidance for PMTAs confirm deeming reg would ban >99.9% of nicotine vapor products

    One of my good friends certainly fell victim to the demonising of vaping. He bought the studies about burnt silica wicks. Now he's back on the old sticks again! Here in Australia I am told the aforementioned male genital cutting phenomenon is on the rise due to a "huge shift in thinking". No...
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    FDA FDA's leaked guidance for PMTAs confirm deeming reg would ban >99.9% of nicotine vapor products

    Only if the aim is to monopolize the e-liquid/e-cig market. These specific regulations are a perfect example of that aim. However, some regulation (ie. Testing of individual components of flavourings, ie. specific chemicals) is necessary to ensure we are not consuming or breathing toxic...
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    FDA FDA's leaked guidance for PMTAs confirm deeming reg would ban >99.9% of nicotine vapor products

    Of course its about money and not safety or health benefits. Look at infant circumcision - 100+ infants die every year because of claims that it will reduce the theoretical chance of something that is so highly unlikely to happen that any supposed health benefits are nonexistent. The only...
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    FDA FDA's leaked guidance for PMTAs confirm deeming reg would ban >99.9% of nicotine vapor products

    I agree with Kent wholeheartedly. We already have regulation for flavours and additives such as PG and VG. The CDC wants to tell everyone that vaping is bad for them and that they should stop. The U.N. WHO probably want to do the same as well. However, these same organisations are advising...
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    FDA FDA's leaked guidance for PMTAs confirm deeming reg would ban >99.9% of nicotine vapor products

    Shameless, I agree with much of what you said. However, regulation which helps everyone and provides safety protocols to improve this industry versus regulation which just restricts everything so severely that only a very small number of highly capitalised interests can afford to operate, are...
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    I learned today that vaping is like jumping from a 20 foot building

    Oh, and these same ....tards rave on about the benefits of permanently mutilating our newborn sons' dicks because their foreskin (which should be their birthright) might cause them to have a 1 in a million theoretical chance of getting cancer. Nah, I'll keep the 20,000 nerve endings and the...
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    Cyclone AFC cap - how do you remove the cap?

    It's so tight I can't remove it, and if I try I bent my fingernail trying to get it out. Still won't budge. Help. Please!