Search results

  1. M

    Does anyone mix up unflavored nic juice to add flavorings to?

    I'm still having to figure about 20% for flavoring, because I am not tasting all there is to taste. At any rate I do, premix 60 mil of my nicotine/vg/water. On the e-juice me up calculator, on the first flavor line I put 20%, and calculate. Then when I mix a flavor I know that any size bottle I...
  2. M

    Total and Utter Dry Mouth

    I don't have a scientific fix, but I do have a temporary fix for you. I have dry mouth all of the time. It is mitigated slightly if I drink a lot of water. I think my medications are mostly to blame however it (dry mouth) got worse when I started vaping. I buy max VG juice from vendors, but I...
  3. M

    3rd Unofficial (But actually kind of official) Halo Chat Thread

    I'm sorry if I am crashing the party, but I wanted to ask a question. I wanted to umm (supply your own word here- complain is too strong) that I read Cinder Ella's post regarding the fact that Halo juices have substantially more Pg than VG. I had in fact emailed Halo to ask about their juice...
  4. M

    I don't know the proper way to do this.

    I'm posting in the new member forum, because I don't know how to find the original post. I wanted other newbies to see this and that the person who originally shared his process for boiling coils will read it. I wanted to thank him. I purchased the type of clearos with coils that can't be...
  5. M

    10X Vanilla Extract

    I found a recipe for 10X Vanilla Extract. I'm trying to find a vanilla that tastes like vanilla, but doesn't contain any iffy custard notes. My question is: Is 10X necessary to get a good vanilla flavor. The only thing along this line, that I have found on the forum, is that Vanilla extract...
  6. M

    Cold Sterilization in lieu of boiling?

    OK great! Thanks everyone. Alcohol will be soo much easier.
  7. M

    Cold Sterilization in lieu of boiling?

    I was wondering if everyone boils their syringes and other "lab" equipment after making e-juice? Then I was wondering if boiling doesn't shorten the lifespan of disposable syringes and pipettes? Those questions led me to wonder if using a cold sanitizing solution wouldn't work? I'm referring to...
  8. M

    B&M vs Internet, a dilemma

    This question comes up a lot. Not for just Vape shops; but yarn shops, and bead shops. I am as guilty as the next person for buying cheap instead of supporting local businesses. Have you factored in the wait time, and shipping costs? I don't have a vape shop close to me, but I really enjoyed my...
  9. M

    Tribeca Steep Time?

    Thanks everyone for the responses. I have actually found the smoke flavor to minimize. However, I had been so anxious for it to arrive that I shook it up and vaped it right away. (While it was still very cold) I think it will be a love/hate relationship. I can't stand the smell for a few days...
  10. M

    DIY Vanilla

    Sorry if this question has been answered elsewhere. If it has been; I haven't found it. Does anyone infuse their own Vanilla? If so what is your usage rate?
  11. M

    Testing and Steeping

    Wow! What an amazing idea. I would have never thought to mix those flavors together; now I can't wait to try it. Thanks
  12. M

    What's better than a Protank 2?

    Well I'm rather new too, but I've spent so much money trying to find a juice I don't have the money to go for a big tank. However, a member recommended a Nautilus; instead I bought the Aspire ET-S (bottom dual coil) I costs between $6-8 and it is terrific! By that I mean it is terrific if you...
  13. M

    Tribeca Steep Time?

    I received my long awaited first bottle of Tribeca yesterday. Tried it. ack Only smoke flavor very realistic, but not what I was hoping for. So my question is how long until the flavor matures, and I'm able to taste everything?
  14. M

    Testing and Steeping

    Thanks everyone; I'll give it a try.
  15. M

    Testing and Steeping

    I made my first e-juice yesterday. Flavors Apprentice, Double Chocolate, 18mg, 90Vg/10 Pg. First I used 10% flavor. Put a little bit in a carto to test. I thought it was weak( just like nearly every flavor I 've tried-that's why I am DIYing) At any rate, I added 5% more which is at the top of...
  16. M

    Sticky Label remover??

    I looked online for answers to this very question. I found an answer that will knock you socks off. Peanut Butter. No kidding! It works. I take a paper towel, run it around the rim of the peanut butter jar, and then start rubbing in a circular motion over the adhesive. You won't notice it...
  17. M

    Struggling Newbie

    HI, your post reminded me of myself. I joined the first part of March, and many of my posts have been about flavors or lack thereof. Your taste buds are probably not firing on all cylinders yet. Members suggested to me that I brush my tongue when I brush my teeth, and drink plenty of water...
  18. M

    My eGo 1300 MaH is only lasting 4 hours between charges

    Thanks for responding. The Dongle reads eGo USB charger output DC 4.2v420mA I saw a video on YouTube showing a battery with the connection plate recessed from over-tightening. I watched how he raised the connection plate, rescued the battery from the Hazard Waste trash bag, and followed the...
  19. M

    Lurker's New & Old Gather Here :)

    HI, I'd like to join. How do I go about it?
  20. M

    Am I ready?

    That seems right up my alley don't you think?