Search results

  1. D

    Any Vapers in the Clarion Area?

    I live in Clarion, PA and I was wondering how many of us are on the ECF
  2. D

    Flavor Profile Survey

    I ran this survey through reddit once already, but I was wondering what you guys think. Here is the survey. You'll be linked to results at the end. Basically, this is just a quick survey to find what flavor profile is the most popular. After sending this through reddit, I found that most...
  3. D

    What do you vape on?

    Just curious. I switch between my Tesla M7/Big Stillaire, my VTR/Kayfun (I cut the ring off), and my Nemesis/Plume Veil. How many mods are in your rotation?
  4. D

    Anyone have experience with alcohol inks?

    I've been thinking about throwing an alcohol ink patina (if you can call it that) on my SS mods. Does anyone have experience with doing something like this? Where did you get your inks and how much were they? Did it turn out good?
  5. D

    A map for vapers worldwide!

    I've created a map that allows vapers to represent their hometowns! The map got a little bit of attentioin on the ECR, so I thought you guys might like it too. I would also like to invite you all to join a new vaping subreddit. I'd love to just post links to everything (I had it all typed out...
  6. D

    Greetings, Earthlings

    I have started noticing a trend here in the new user section: very few of you are actually new to vaping. I am no exception. I have been vaping for almost 2 years now. Where I stand apart from most vapers is the fact that I never smoked analogs. Before i started vaping, I was really interested...