Search results

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    BEYOND VAPE FREE Mods and BV Liquids Giveaways Contest #3

    Vaping has trippled my cardio!
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    Help select a good box mod!!

    ipv2 for sure
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    whats in your tank

    mbv strawbanna with 3 flavor shots 6mg
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    Hana Modz Stripped Threads :(

    go with the fatdaddy 510 for sure
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    Looking for a regulated mod with adjustable 510

    Every vamo ive ever had has been crap! I've had a v3 and two v5's and they all sucked
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    Bvc coil.. My review!

    I can get at least 2 weeks out of them without touching them at all. vaping at 15 watts using 80%vg juice
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    What are you vaping on...RIGHT NOW!

    Hana dna 30, mbv strawbanna 6mg, beyond vape silo tank
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    Can someone give opinion on how to vape Cana

    I run .6 duals on a brass monkee at 28 watts and it fills the room
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    Fogger V4!!

    I want one
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    Nautilus mini!!!!!!

    I actually prefer this over my Russian 91
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    Best quality tank on the market

    The nautilus mini is a game changer!
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    Aspire Bottom Vertical Coil and Nautilus Mini

    These things are awesome! I vape them at 15 watts and haven't had a dry hit since I opened them
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    The Kanger AeroTank Mega

    I like it but for me the 2 ohm coils perform better with max vg
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    Best cloud chasing RDA

    zenith v2 by far
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    What brand of EJUICE you vape?

    MBV Exclusively
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    What are you waiting for in the mail?

    waiting on my cloupor dna 30 from fasttech. I've read mixed reviews about fasttech, anybody had any bad experiences with the hana clone from fasttech?
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    Apire BVC heads leaking bad

    I've been slamming the nautilus mini at 15 watts on a vamo v5 with MBV strawbanna 80vg/20pg and it rocks! I love the new bvc and I'm using a bvc in my fullsize nautilus and its finally come alive. I will never buy aspire nautilus bdc coils again