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  1. traderdan

    Electric lighter Atty Heater coil mod

    I Saw the thread Three min lighter mod . BY Connman He made a cool VP out of battery operated Flameless cigarette lighter. Connman also said he wanted to mod the heater core for a atty . Well Here is my attempt...
  2. traderdan

    AA mod with Atty Mod

    I thought some of you might like to see how to make a simple cheap mod that will run safe and on low voltage batteries Harbor freight AA have some really good power with the Chicago Electric ,rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride 2200mah AA . I used a radio shack 4AA ,project box for the housing.I...
  3. traderdan

    Fifty-One cart-Atty

    Hi I'm a noob to posting so if I break any rules or act silly don't be afraid to tell me ok . I was wondering if anyone had got any Info on the size of the Fifty-One Duo cart atty threads . I've tore some down to see how different they are from the others I've seen on here and what I destroyed...