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  1. D

    Any bad side effect experiences of PG e-liquid?

    Oh wow lirruping, that doesn't sound nice. Have you tried any 100% VG juice?
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    100% VG Suppliers in the UK?

    Bump! Still looking for some good 100% VG in the UK... anyone got any recommendations? - Dmxr100
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    Blu Cig + Clearomizer? Possible??

    Wow, thanks Susan. Your links are really useful!
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    Favorite HighVG Ejuice

    Thanks @Sarin - I'll check them out. Do you know of any UK brands that provide HighVG Juice? Or even 100% VG? I'm mostly looking for a nice smooth tobacco flavour to start off with, but will likely try some other flavours in future. As I'm new to vaping I'd also be interested in trying some...
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    5 For £10 E-Liquid + FREE DELIVERY

    Anyone tried these? Any feedback? - Dmxr100
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    Favorite HighVG Ejuice

    Hi All I'm looking for a HighVG Juice with a decent flavour over here in the UK - Anyone know if you can pick up any of these brands over here? Or do you know of any other decent HighVG Juice available in the UK? Thanks - Dmxr100
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    Vape Stores in London... any recommendations??

    Thanks djsvapour Sounds like everything else in London... a bit of a rip off! I guess I should stick to buying online then to get the best prices. Where do you get your juice from? - Dmxr100
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    Any bad side effect experiences of PG e-liquid?

    Wow. Thanks for all the advice everyone. I'm leaning towards sticking with a more VG based juice. Part of the reason for moving from smokes to vaping is to reduce the amount of toxins and chemicals I put in my body so VG seems like the best way forward. Can anyone recommend any good suppliers...
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    100% VG Suppliers in the UK?

    Hi I'm relatively new to vaping and have been using carts so far. I've got a spinner 2 and mini protank 3 on it's way, so I'm hunting round for some good Juice. Part of the reason for moving from smoking to vaping is to move away from putting so many toxins and chemicals inside my body, so I...
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    Any bad side effect experiences of PG e-liquid?

    Thanks everyone! Guess I just have to give it a go... Excuse my noobness... what's a local B&M?? - Dmxr100
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    Any bad side effect experiences of PG e-liquid?

    I'm relatively new to vaping and have been using pre-filled cartridges so far. I'll be taking the leap into buying e-liquid when my new spinner 2 and mini protank arrive in the next couple of days. However, I'm a bit worried about the amount of PG in the e-liquid as I've heard some people have...
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    Where to find out about upcoming hardware releases?

    As a noob, one thing I worry about is buying a piece of hardware, only to find out a few days later that a newer version has just come on to the market... It almost happened to me just yesterday when I ordered some Kangertech 1.5 coils for a mini protank. Fortunately, the shop owner contacted me...
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    London Calling...

    Thanks djs, I'll have a read soon. On first impression it looks very similar to the JacVapour V1P PCC Kit - Is it just the same thing with a different brand? I've heard good things about MigCigs and the Halo G6 in the US but I've no idea if you can get them over here? - Dmxr100
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    What are you waiting for in the mail?

    Vision Spinner 2 and a Kanger Mini ProTank 3... CANNOT WAIT!
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    London Calling...

    Thanks everyone!! Sounds like the Spinner 2 and mini protank were a good move... pheww! Can't wait for it to arrive in a few days. That said, I do think there is something to be said for a small cig-a-like that can be easily carried around on a day to day basis and is somewhat more...
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    Blu Cig + Clearomizer? Possible??

    Is it possible to use a Clearomizer with the standard Blu Cig batteries? I have a starter kit with 2 batteries and find them very convenient to carry around on a day to day basis and, despite the battery lasting all of 20 seconds, the PCC helps to keep me vaping all day long. However, the Blu...
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    Vape Stores in London... any recommendations??

    I work in Central London (Shaftesbury Avenue) and have heard there are a few Vape Stores popping up around town. Has anybody been to any of them? ANy recommendations as to where's good to go? And where you can get the best deals? I've just ordered a new set up, so I'm mainly looking for...
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    London Calling...

    Hi iamthevoice, I ordered a couple of small samples, but I really have no idea where to start!! There's more choice than there is with the hardware!! Any advice?? - Dmxr100 P.S. I love Ottawa and Canada in general... would move there in a heartbeat!
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    London Calling...

    Hi Everyone! I'm from London and have been vaping now for a whole 2 weeks!! Currently working with the Blu Cigs and finding them OK despite finding out they're definitely not the best on the market shortly after making the purchase. But they're helping me keep away from the cancer sticks more...