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  1. Jetta Jim

    How often do i change Atomizer head

    When it quits hitting good. That time frame can vary. I don't throw mine away when I swap, I put the used one in a test tube of denatured alcohol and let it soak for a couple weeks, jet some more through it with a syringe then let it dry. Most of the time they hit like new again.
  2. Jetta Jim

    What are you waiting for in the mail?

    Just got my restock of Kanger T-2's in the mail yesterday and a 236 ml bottle of MBV spearmint is supposed to be delivered today. I think that should last me a little while. ;)
  3. Jetta Jim

    What do you keep your gear in?

    Wow! So organized. I keep my stuff in a shoebox. LOL!
  4. Jetta Jim

    E juice

    That could pose a problem seeing how you're in Singapore. Since it's illegal there I don't think you'll find any legit company that would risk shipping to you.
  5. Jetta Jim

    So how does the FDA intend banning Vaporizers

    and the Vapor Cartel. LOL!
  6. Jetta Jim

    Vaping At Work

    They amended the tobacco policy where I work to include e-cigs because someone did something really stupid. Stealth is your friend...
  7. Jetta Jim

    What are you waiting for in the mail?

    Ego twist (decided to try one) and a 50 ml bottle of MBV spearmint with double shot of flavor (yum). Both are out for delivery today!:banana:
  8. Jetta Jim

    Is the idea of regulation inherently bad?

    I remember .39 a pack on the base in Germany...and not being able to afford them. Now they're closer to $5 and I don't want to afford them. LOL!
  9. Jetta Jim

    Is the idea of regulation inherently bad?

    ...and to exemplify how regualtions quickly get out of hand, the lead paint regualtions intended for making childrens toys safer also ended up including the paint used on motorcylcles and ATV's designed for riders under 12. The result was a ban (because they all had lead based paint) that forced...
  10. Jetta Jim

    Pulled over for suspicious activity?

    Had to go to court on a BS speeding ticket (5mph over...that another story) and had to go through the metal detectors. I set my e-cig in it's case in the little tray with everyhing else, set it on the conveyor and walked through the gate. Got to the other side and there was a sheriff's deputy...
  11. Jetta Jim

    Locked Up Abroad : Posesion de Nicotina

    Glad to hear that worked out! ***Note to self...don't go to Nicaragua*** :D
  12. Jetta Jim

    E juice.

    Mt. Baker Vaper for sure! Havewn't tried Highbrow but Vaporbomb has great juices too.
  13. Jetta Jim

    Im new - fighting with the Kanger T3

    I haven't had any leaking problems with my T-3's (now I probably jinxed myself) but I do find myself prefering the flavor I get out of a good-ole T-2. Something I do that helps my T-3's is plug two of the three air holes with a glue stick. I dabbed just enough on to cover the hole, worked in...
  14. Jetta Jim


  15. Jetta Jim

    V3 Ego Clearmizer

    Almost every brand of clearomizer I've purchased have had air holes in them. Some had two while others had three. What I do is plug one of the holes (or two if there's three of them). I use a small piece of scotch tape on smooth base units and a glue stick (just a small amount to plug the hole)...
  16. Jetta Jim

    What are you waiting for in the mail?

    Was cussing the USPS yesterday. They missed the delivery date on my new 1100mah eGo-K and a box of Kanger T-3's. Supposed to get them today...I hope they don't screw up again
  17. Jetta Jim

    How many people do not last

    ^^^ This. The orginal Titan 510 I had just didn't cut it and the juices back then were pretty horrid. Whole new ball game this time around. A regular cig tastes bad to me now.
  18. Jetta Jim

    SO??? Whats in your tanks right now??

    Spearmint by Mt. Baker Vapor
  19. Jetta Jim

    How old are you and how long did you smoke

    Male, 51 smoked a pack a day pretty much ever since I was 16 with a few quit times here and there (wow...about 35 years). Started vaping again about 6 months ago and quit analogs completely about two weeks ago. Don't even like the taste of them anymore...even with beer. :)
  20. Jetta Jim

    Need help deciding...or more like some expalinations !!

    Yeah, they carry them at vapor alley : eGo Twist kit Trust me, order some kangers too cause the CE4's will leak.