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  1. caramel

    67% Vape Tax in D.C.

    You forgot how things work. It's not a $1 pack that the government taxes to no end. They're hand in hand, according to PM own affirmation, they split a pack 8 cigs (PM) - 12 cigs (govt). On the NY price of $12 that means about $5 for PM and $7 for the govt. When BT wants to jack up prices, they...
  2. caramel

    "It only takes ONE bad chemical"

    Doesn't matter. If there's concern it has to be disclosed (see food industry example). There's a simple test for it. Ask the question "If I were told that the product contains X, would that have changed my purchase intention?". Where X can be 6.2 nic (vs. 6), or water, or dyacetil, or...
  3. caramel

    "It only takes ONE bad chemical"

    I suggest also visiting some others forums with different rules regarding "negative reviews". For example reddit - incidentaly today there's a very juicy pictorial of a mixing room. Look on the first page on the "hot" tab for video and pics of a certain lab "by disgruntled employee".
  4. caramel

    petition needs your signature

    so how does one climb trees "look ma' no hands" style?
  5. caramel

    "It only takes ONE bad chemical"

    If you want to reffer to the "average vaper", then they probably get their "information" from a vaping shop clerk or website, misleading them with something on the lines of "it's 95% safer than smoking". Which, as Lessifer noted a few posts ago, is just a guesstimate. With the reality and...
  6. caramel

    "It only takes ONE bad chemical"

    They aren't getting it. And that's exactly the source of their frustration. Thank you for underlining the key issue.
  7. caramel

    "It only takes ONE bad chemical"

    If it doesn't fit on the label you can print a leaflet (like pharma does). If it's questionable you disclose it (see food industry and artificial sweeteners - some of them haven't yet been definitively proved either safe or unsafe - "when in doubt list it"). You can omit it only if for the...
  8. caramel

    "It only takes ONE bad chemical"

    And how exactly do you get "the opportunity" to access the information on what ingredients an ejuice vendor uses? Industrial espionage? Do you go all the way through the supply chain? Or maybe you analyze it down to the last atom at every purchase? Was it "the government" withholding...
  9. caramel

    "It only takes ONE bad chemical"

    He's locked into a philosophical conundrum due to his "free market" faith and needs frequent time outs. There are 2 kinds of such markets: 1) equal information market (i.e. all participants have access to all the information); this is the equivalent of "full disclosure" in labeling, aka...
  10. caramel

    "It only takes ONE bad chemical"

    Same for tobacco cigarettes. They have the potential to help you with a lung cancer. Yet it doesn't always happen - like in your lotto example.
  11. caramel

    "It only takes ONE bad chemical"

    Translation: You don't agree with him. :D
  12. caramel

    petition needs your signature

    BTW I've heard they're working on a "nostalgia" smoking only resort (non-smokers and children not admitted). Complete with a smoking Miami-Havana flight. Having the air hostess serving cigars and lighting them for you ---->>>> PRICELESS.
  13. caramel

    petition needs your signature

    He ain't no Antz. How many like him are left?
  14. caramel

    "It only takes ONE bad chemical"

    You forgot how things work - if, as a seller, you indicate (directly or implied) a fitness of the product to a certain purpose, then the onus of "due diligence" is on you. If you don't make any such indication, then the onus is on the consumer - you can sell him arsenic all day long. Just don't...
  15. caramel

    "It only takes ONE bad chemical"

    That's exactly what the tobacco cigarette industry does. Good luck suing them.
  16. caramel

    What has happened to P. Busardo?

    :thumbs: :wub: let's date :laugh: