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  1. V

    Closed/Sold (US) - Selling - Authentic Velocity V2 RDA in Mint Condition

    Bump. Not sure if the pics are showing up on the original post, so I'll post them again here since I can't edit... price for both Velocity and Copa drip tip is $90.
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    Closed/Sold (US) - Selling - Authentic Velocity V2 RDA in Mint Condition

    Not only will the buyer get a great atty in great condition but I'll also throw an authentic Trinity Copa Drip Tip in there, you can't beat that! :cool:
  3. V

    Closed/Sold (US) - Selling - Authentic Velocity V2 RDA in Mint Condition

    For Sale/Trade POSTING IN THE THREAD IS REQUIRED FOR FEEDBACK TO BE ENABLED Selling: Authentic Velocity V2 RDA Condition: Mint Known flaws: None Image: Description: Selling an authentic Velocity V2 RDA, hardly used, I'm just not an RDA guy I guess... low S/N, I think mine was part of the...
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    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    EXCELLENT review as usual!!! I guess I got lucky with the glass tank... first one from CDV and the second from HHV, both made it in one piece!
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    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    Same exact setup, except I use N80 instead of SS. I found 6 spaced wraps around 3 mm ID works great in my KM3, so I did the same in the K5 and it was perfect from the first draw. I recently tried Clapton in the K5, decided to go back to my usual setup the next day, it's not for me.
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    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    Been vaping a K4 for about a year, 26 ga .7-1 ohm, no sign of any condensation or juice, nada! Same with KM3. I use Lemo2 tanks also, around .5 ohm, completely dry!
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    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    I have two K5, the GF is using one, and they both have condensation on the bottom after a day or two of use. I wouldn't call it leaking, but it does get a little wet down there. I think it has something to do with temp change, like going in and out of the office, hot and cold... but no way to...
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    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    I just did the survey too and I shared my experience so far, it's a little long but I feel it's important for the FDA to know what they're trying to do to us and many smokers out there who haven't tried vaping yet. "Using nicotine vapor products was the only SUCCESSFUL method to reduce my...
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    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    Cleaning: K5 is way easier to take apart and clean vs. K4. I will say this, I felt that the K5 out of the box had a little machine oil smell, on both tanks I got. I first ran it in the ultrasonic cleaner with hot water and dish soap, then a second time with just hot water, all good now. You...
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    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    Same here, K5 and KM3, have not bothered with anything else. And I can't seem to enjoy my K4s anymore. You just can't beat that smooth K5 airflow!
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    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    Nothing like a good vape on the way home after a busy day! Serendipity on the right, DF on the left :thumbs:
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    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    Love coming home after being out of town and finding vape mail!! Love these cup holders for the car! Oh yeah and this showed up too :D Thanks HHV! Time to clean her up and get her ready. I'm also happy to report that both KM3 and K5 are perfect for travelling, no leaking after a two...
  13. V

    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    If that's what you're looking for then you need Dark Horse, it's like vaping a cig without all the nasty stuff or bad breath :) very smooth! Huntsman, Gaia, and even Maple Eh? are all great tobacco only flavors IMO, also very smooth. I'm new to HHV, but I've tried plenty and have not been...
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    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    So I decided to try a Clapton coil last night, got some pre-built coils that come out to .6 ohm... Tried going on the outside for this one Put some KGD in there Add some Serendipity Enjoy a great vape with some yummy coffee! To tell you the truth, I don't notice much of a...
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    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    I had Serendipity in my KF4 which I was REALLY enjoying. When I got the KF5 I first tried TT Max VG, which wasn't really wicking great in the KF4, 50/50 worked much better but didn't taste as good IMO. I was blown away by the flavor! So I decided to try Serendipity next, been vaping that ever...
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    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    Newer = better? :D
  17. V

    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    I had to back off on the juice flow too, compared to the Mini, which I like at 2 full turns... I can get away with 1-1.5 turns on the KF5. Using 30/70 or 20/80 juice.
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    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun 5

    :thumbs: Now the question is, do I order my second or give others a chance to pick one up instead? Hhmmmm....
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    Authentic Svoemesto Kayfun Mini V3

    That's normal, I think. When I ordered my KF5 from CDV it said the same thing, took about 10 days total. It first said "inbound into customs" then "inbound out of customs".