Search results

  1. I

    Vapour Warehouse "Golden Atomizer" Drawing!

    Win $50.00 in vaping merchandise every month for a YEAR! Vapour Warehouse's "Golden Atomizer" contest starts today! From now until October 31st, everyone who orders our DSE-901 or DSE-801 Ultra kit is automatically entered in the contest. Even if you already have an 801 or 901, our kits are a...
  2. I

    Google Wants You to Die!

    Those of you who've followed my previous posts regarding my ongoing "discussion" with Google AdWords regarding their "no tobacco" policy ought to enjoy my latest go-round. After having a pretty decent conversation via email with one of their Customer support people and making MAJOR content...
  3. I

    More Google Fun!

    As you folks may recall from my previous post in here, I've been having an interesting dialogue with Google AdWords regarding what is acceptable and what is unacceptable advertising/website content in regards to their "Tobacco" policy. After the last go round, everything was hunky dory until...
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    Google AdWords Bans E-cigs

    As a supplier of e-cigs, we have been using Google adWords since we launched our business - outside of THIS forum, it's critical to our marketing strategy and it's been touch and go since we started. Tonight we received this email from Google AdWords: "Please note that we do not allow the...
  5. I

    FDA and MasterCard Merchant Approval

    Here's an interesting wrinkle in the whole e-cig kartuffle. We received this from the Merchant service account we've been trying to set up in order to offer folks and alternative to PayPal: "Denial of application is based on the following: Based on the Federal Government's classification of...