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  1. Mojoverde

    Vaporesso Gen Display Customization

    Hi, the image I'm trying to set is 128x32 px in .BMP extension with a size of 12KB and 8 Bits/Channel if I'm not wrong (set on RGB colour). I haven't found information about dimensions size and bit depth, although it seems to fit good in preview screen (next picture)
  2. Mojoverde

    Vaporesso Gen Display Customization

    Sure, the first image is trying to read from device and the second is trying to set a new image. I mark 1 and 2 as the order of buttons I've pressed
  3. Mojoverde

    Vaporesso Gen Display Customization

    I'm trying to customize the power on logo but I get error while writing the new image on the device, and even reading from device. I've just updated to 1.2 and the error is still there. Have you tried to customize this? Have you any troubles? How can I fix it? Thank you in advance
  4. Mojoverde

    Vaporesso Gen mod firmware update!

    It is missing indeed
  5. Mojoverde

    Vaporesso Gen mod firmware update!

    @Vaporesso_Chelsea Hello, I'm trying to upload an image to customize turn-on screen but when trying to read (from MOD) or write those images I get errors. Is this a known bug or it is because I need to update first? Thanks